There have been some excellent channelings regarding politics and what is happening on the political stage....here is the latest that was brought to my attention...
The following is just an excerpt from the larger channeling:
We start with a review. I speak now to those who claim citizenship of America [the USA]. I’ll repeat to you the things that we’ve told you before about the role that the country is now playing. It’s a role that you may never have expected that your country would play. Disappointing to some, encouraging to others, it’s a very different role than has ever been played before. "What’s going to happen, Kryon?" Some have asked about the political situation of this country. One side of what you call the political aisle features pleas for one thing, and the other side pleads for another. There is great polarization of opinion, and many Lightworkers are on both sides. This is because Human politics is apart from your spiritual search. It’s important for you to separate the two, yet hold the integrity of what you believe in both. However, the advice is the same: Get above the Human fray and see things in a spiritual perspective.
Regarding what you see before you: Historians will look back upon the events of this time and say there’s only one country in the world who had the power, the will, and the reason to put a large stick into the Middle East and stir it vigorously. And these historians will say in retrospect that without the placeholder that you call your President, the things that will take place in the Middle East [in your potential future] would never have happened.
The energies in those old lands would have stayed the same for another thousand years. Take a look at the energy there [the Middle East]. It’s ancient. It’s tribal. Things don’t move; things don’t change. They stay the same. There’s a tremendous upheaval with those who wish it to stay the same and those who wish it to change. It’s almost a war between the old and new energy, isn’t it? [Kryon wink - this has been the prophecy of Kryon since 1989]
So although it may be difficult for many of you to understand any of it, we tell you that it fits in with the prophecies [potentials] we gave you years ago, and it’s in progress. Remember, sometimes there are agreements on the other side of the veil to play difficult and seemingly ugly roles on Earth. There are Lightworkers who are stressed, thinking that their country would initiate a war, yet others who feel it’s a very appropriate part of the a new energy battle... all depending on the politics. Our advice is not to let the politics pull you apart. There’s appropriateness in all things. Send light to your leaders so that there will be some integrity inserted in all this, for it will be needed very soon.
So many American Lightworkers have asked, "What’s going to happen in our 2004 election?" That’s up to you, but let me give you some information that some of you won’t like. No matter what you do, it’s not going to make any difference! They [the candidates) are cut from the same cloth of old energy. In the year 2000 my partner [Lee] sat in Tel Aviv, Israel, at the core of the issue [the beginning of the hostilities] and we channelled to those who were gathered there (of the lineage of Jews), that this planet would not see anything significant take place regarding peace until 2008.
There were very few back then who put together the logic that this time frame would correspond with another election in your country. So you might say, "Well, how could it be that there would be no change even with new leadership?" Have any of you truly looked at the choices you have? Where is the spiritual integrity of the new energy in either choice? It doesn’t exist. Have any of you wondered where the visionaries have gone in your country? Have any of you wondered where those who had spiritual vision for your country have gone? I’ll tell you. They’re not here yet, and it’s not time yet. Some of them are young, and some of them are Indigos, waiting for the right time. The ones who might have been your leaders were carefully removed starting in the 1960s, if you noticed. Other removals have even taken place in the last decade. This was by your design, but it left a vacuum of political consciousness that’s now very apparent to some and is responsible for what’s happening.
Don’t despair. See things happening at a metaphysical level that was predisposed to happen if you moved into this period of Human development. With a man at the helm [Bush] we called the placeholder, the one who would make difficult decisions around the set-up of 9/11, much prophecy has now been fulfilled that we gave you the potentials of. Remember that we’ve told you for almost 15 years about the eventual war of old and new? We told you in 2000 in Tel Aviv that nothing would happen on this planet until the "draw to zero." At that time you didn’t know about the potential "Ground Zero" in Manhattan, did you? You can now see that the 9/11 energy has driven the events in the USA.
More than a decade ago, we told you that if you’re going to change the energy of Earth, there would be a war between the old and new energy and that a Bridge of Swords would exist. These are the metaphors that are now unfolding for you. In addition, we also told you that most of the actual wars of the future of the earth would begin to be tribal. Are you beginning to understand? In 2001, the United States declared war on a tribe! The Bridge of Swords we so often spoke about is a metaphor for battle, peace, and celebration. The bridge is a connection between the old and the new. The swords represent many functions, including ceremony. This bridge won’t exist forever, and although you don’t understand it now, it eventually will be removed, and the chasm between the old and the new will drift apart forever.
The second link is another political channeling that some of you may find interesting.
The whole Channeling