Dear Firey Bull,
I know exactly what you are saying
passing a
kidney stone is equal to the worst physical tortures
so lets make sure it doesn't happen again
One of the best ways to make sure it doesn't happen again
is to routinely do a kidney and bladder cleanse
I suggest my 5 Day Detox for the Kidneys and Bladder
Stones have to form
and often get larger over time
Routine Kidney flushing will disolve all the little ones
and slowly disolve any big ones
Get a copy of my book
Healing Kidney Disease Naturally
it contains lots of pictures and descriptions
and explains everything your doctor didn't
and maybe even did not know
kidney stones usually do form
over several years
but smaller ones and sand and grit can form quite quickly
some people I call Kidney types
are much more prone to developing
kidney stones that other people
sure it can be diet and lifestyle created
but it is also genetic and inheireted
and more prevelent in blue eyed people
Yes, circles and bags under the eyes can
be a sign of kidney weakness
Not surprised at another comment
about a medical doctor
that gave you little answers and had little to say
All animal foods and junk foods contribute
to the formation of Kidney Stones
So being a healthy eating Vegan is a HUGE help
I would get 3 or 4 - 5 Day Kidney Detox Kits
also get my book Healing Kidney Disease Naturally
read the ENTIRE book
but especially pages 30 on
which will answer all the questions your medical doctor didn't
and do my
kidney stone disolving routine on page 48
and then in a few weeks
Do my 5 day Kidney Detox all on its own
Let's GET WELL my Friend
Dr. Schulze
PS, never appologize for asking questions
your medical doctors should be the ones appologizing