1. Do not believe for a minute that this is an incurable disease, whatever the name is that they finally put on it.
2. If you do have polio, did you get the polio vaccine as a baby? If so, you've been poisoned, and the IP or 30 day detox is the road-or part of the road- back to health.
3. Go to the muscular dystrophy forum here on curezone. It's in the M section in the
Support Forums . Read as you have time about my experience the first time I did the IP. I didn't do it perfectly, but at least you'll get a feel for it.
I was hoping to do the IP for the entire year this year, or at least something close, but three of my children decided to get married and leave home this year, so my focus has been redirected, to say the least.
4. I didn't experience any muscle wasting on the IP. Throw out everything you think you know about the disease you think you have and start fresh with an open mind. I haven't experienced any progression at all this year, even with the sporatic attempts at healing I have made.
5. Raw foods (or 75% raw) and juicing, complete tissue formula, Superfood, liver flushing, drinking lots of distilled water, and walking, walking, walking are vital. There's more to it than that, as you will find out, but this is your foundation.
6. Do not say "I have xxxxx." Say "I'm fighting it," say "I'm overcoming it," say "I have victory over it," say "I have been healed," or "My body is doing a great job of healing itself." Do not let it beat you. Do not cave. Be strong. I mean it.
-Donna (arrested FSH muscular dystrophy 5/05; believing for total restoration)