Sharon, dear one, if you haven't seen the film then please do not condemn prior to investigation! Please consider opening your mind up to Quantum Physics. And the pictures of water stuctures (including distilled vs toxic vs loved water vs angry water) are just fascinating. This was the first time I understood
Dr. Schulze 's comments that distilled water is empty water.
I've seen this film 5 times and consider it to be a wonderful film and in NO way in conflict with any organized religion or dogma (that I know of). I've been following the early reviews and haven't come across an inflamed religious group.
I think Casandra's posting here is totally appropriate because the film supports allot of
Dr. Schulze 's beliefs like the power of the mind to heal and the power of emotions and how emotions affect molecular structure (including our cells, dna and those of others around us). It includes incredibly effective graphics of receptor sites and synapses and complex scientific stuff that is easily understandable in this remarkable use of annimation.
This is now available to rent on dvd, and the physics concepts alone were so new to my mind I had to see the movie about 3 times before I began to "get" the Quantum Physics a bit.
There's a wonderful morning meditation: How I Create My Day, by a chiropractor;I have incorporated this into my morning routine. The text is on the What the Bleep web site.
Anyway, I found this movie opened my mind to allot of new perspectives and taught me allot.
Love to all,