Hello there -
It is a very good, quality course. Unfortunately it has fallen out of mind for a bit due to my work being very busy (and the wedding...:)
I would still recommend it to anyone looking for a good, inexpensive, herbalist training class.
My brother just took his final with Dr. Christopher's school. He spent one week in Utah at seminars, tests, walks, etc. He spoke with David and actually he and I are now email buds of Dr. James Duke (the Green Pharmacy)
Since he already has his BS, he will receive a Masters of Herbology. This was an intense and expensive course (5,000+) that is more explicit than many ND courses are.
He also is interning with Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of 'Eat to Live'.
Dr. F is working on a book for families on raising healthy children (whoo hoo!), due out next year. He is a great guy who has had some real success with all kinds of illnesses through diet alone.
I hope eventually to get back to my class - your email may just be the kick in the butt I needed. THX!