Good Morning, Donna,
There's not the slighest doubt now,
that you're on the Healing Path.
Your immune system corrected that
eye-tic as a preview of coming
attractions. It wanted to catch
your attention -- and it did! Be
assured that bigger and more
important healing is taking place
within you at this moment. Losing
6 lbs in 3 days, Donna, is further
proof, if any is needed, that a
profound turnaround has begun.
All of your actions and thoughts in
recent days have worked together,
synchronistically, to open a Door
for you. Or rather, to make you
aware of a Door that has always been
You've chosen to stride through that
door with enthusiasm and confidence
and delightful humor, Donna. And
now you're in the Field of your
Bliss. It was Joseph Campbell who
coined that memorable phrase. Let me
quote some Joseph Campbell to you.
This passage is IMPORTANT, Donna.
You ought to print it or copy it,
and repeat it to yourself each night
just before you go to sleep. I do.
And so do friends of mine, whom I've
given it to.
"The way to find out about your
happiness is to keep your mind on
those moments when you feel most
happy, When you really ARE happy --
not excited, not just thrilled, but
deeply happy.
This requires a little bit of self-
analysis. What is it that makes you
happy? Stay with it, no matter what
people tell you. This is what I call, 'Following your Bliss.'
If you do follow your bliss, you put
yourself on a kind of track that has
been there all the while, waiting for you. And the life that you ought
to be living, is the one you ARE
living. Wherever you are, if you are
following your bliss, you are
enjoying that refreshment, that life
within you, all the time.
When you can see that, you begin to
meet people who are in the field of
your bliss, and they open doors for
you. I say follow your bliss, and
don't be afraid, and doors will open
where you didn't know they were going to be."
Enjoy another exciting day, Donna!
And DO plan to write a book when
your body has healed itself. You're
a gifted writer, with much to share
and teach.