Hi Carla,
The first thing that comes up is to consider weather a miscarriage might be god's way of saying that either your body is not ready to carry a baby right now or something wasn't right with the baby. Have you kept up with all the maintence programs, good nourishment etc?
If it comes up for you again you can try the Anti-miscarriage formula:
3 parts false unicorn
1 part lobelia
Make a tea with 1 teapoon or so of combined herbs
Also blue cohosh or blue cohosh combined with black cohosh. Blue cohosh will bring on contractions if it's time or stop them of it's not.
My sense is also that you want to really relax and do some deep breathing if contractions start. If you panic, this is likely to bring on more contractions.
These formula's are Dr Christophers. None of the Dr Shulze tapes that I have talk about this either.