My boyfreind is still having really bad pains in his stomach..... Im getting a little worried ..and he is a little upset...
We did the 2 week
Bowel Cleanse with #1 and #2
When he took 2 #1's for 2 day in a row the trouble started... He was also taking the #2 at this time. he stoped number 1 and contiued with number 2 for the last 2 days. The last time he took number 1 was 5 days ago..and ever since he has been having really bad stomach cramps. He says it feels like gas..but really bad... he also says he feels like his intestines are raw and irritated. He cant sleep, and is in a lot of pain.....
He has also been on a run of super duper pro-biotics, those little bio-k drinks. He says that his stool look the best it ever has..and is not having constipation or diarrea.
He has been drinking pepermint tea, slippery elm & chamomile. It doesnt seem to help very much....
neither of us wants him to go to the hospital(especially telling them he was doing a bowel cleanse)... but this is getting a little out of hand...
Please, Please help us with some ideas of what could be happening with him..and some advice!