Hi there (Alisaun, Hopinso, Vtool, Southern Belle, Joanne, Megan and fellow flushers from all over the world). Just wanted to say hi and I am back after a a three-week absense from this forum. I will be doing my third flush November 8 and I pray that I will have a great one. 'Been reading some of the postings here and I am excited how we are gaining back our health and being responsible for it.
I have been experiencing constant stomach upsets, slight pain, and gas pains for the past days. Maybe because I have increased my food intake and has not been responsible in eating well. It was a sort of experiment - trying to eat the same stuff I have eaten before flushing but only in small quantities. Well I realized I need to take on a new lifestyle once I have started flushing out the stones. During the first flush I lost several pounds, had a great countenance, and was no longer irritable. The second flush did the same. Now after three weeks, I am back to almost the square one. Because of not eating well.
Alright, alright, I learned my lesson well. Cheer for me five days from now. November 8. Was it Hopinso who will also flush on that day?
Warm regards.