I have been having those annoying pains that I know all too well. It was slightly more than a month since my last flush. I know I was overdue for a flush because I was getting diarrhea after eating again with slight right sided pain. So I prepare myself for flush #8. Last night was the hardest yet to get down the Olive oil and grapefruit juice. I had relatively clear movements with just one big dose of ES so I did not take the second one. I about gagged on the first one, even sucking it down with a straw. I chased it with apple cider.
So this am I slept in til 7 ish and took my dose of ES this am. Immediately afterward my grandmothers sister called me saying my granny, age 93 was not doing well, had flu all night with vomiting and diarrhea. I race out of the house praying the ES don't kick in too soon. The main road into her town had a tractor trailer turn over and traffic was backed up several miles. A 20 min trip took 45 with me snaking around the town trying to get to her house. I am eyeing the cornfields if I didn't get there soon.
By 9 am we have her at the doctors office and the wave of ES diarrhea hits me. I finally make it to a bathroon with hair standing up on my arms and my neck sweating. I passed about 200+ stones from bb size to nickel size, one slightly less than quarter size. I was very pleased but didn't think the waiting room would share my joy so I kept it to myself til I got home. I am posting quickly, getting a change of clothes and heading back there for the night. Ugh. No computer. No curezone. No beer :-)
I hope your flushes go as well as mine, interupted or not.