There are a few things you can do internally.
Garlic oil capsules (1 - 2 capsules per dose)
Grapefruit Seed Extract (liquid 10 - 15 drops per dose)
Oregano Oil (5 - 10 drops per dose)
Take one of these 3 x per day for 7 days
Cut out all sugars from your diet, even fruit high in naturally occurring sugars.
Sugar feeds yeast and causes yeast to overgrow.
Douche options:
1. Equal parts distilled water and apple cider vinegar - look for pure organic unpasturized with "mother". The vinegar will be pinkish/orange with cloudy bits. The cloudy bits are what is called "mother" and is touted as being the best healing part of the ACV.
2. 1/2 distilled water
1/4 goldenseal herbal infusion
1/4 Echinacea herbal infusion
Use the douche nightly before going to bed for 5 - 7 days.
Also look a probiotic supplement such as acidolphilus/bifidus this will help get the friendly flora/bacteria back in balance to over power the unfriendly bacteria. Take this morning and night by mouth - you can also get powdered form and make a douche if you are feeling creative.
This in conjunction with treating your body right by exercising, getting enough sleep and eating a NON junk diet will support your body in healing. When we get creative with our health and make conscious wise decisions we get healthy.