I would have thought this statment harsh also at one time, but you need to understand that pornography takes away basic human values.If someone is posessed by the devil it does not mean they are a bad person, anymore than someone who goes to church is a godly one. Perhaps I did not go into it in enough detail, because it can be difficult for a young person to understand or someone who has never really thought about it.I was actually trying to be kind, not harsh.To be kind, and help I felt the needed to get a message across.Ponography is a serious problem for the addict and for the people around him. Families are ripped apart because of it.......innocent children are abused;the child is seen as an object because the addict no longer has any human values........as a result many lives are ruined. The addict destoys himself, then destroys his wife.What do you think it would be like having a relationship with a person suffering from this kind of illness........to be forced into disgusting sex acts.....to be violated........to be degraded.......to be humiliated and then have to put up with your husband mentally abusing you, because it is the only way he can cope with his pain(he knows he has a problem, but because of it's personal nature, he does not want to admit it even to himself). For the wife this becomes unbearable, and she becomes dehumanised as a way of coping.The children are then affected, being brought up in a home full of disfunction.
Porn or sexual addiction like all addictions esculates and becomes out of control. IT desensitises a person to the point that they become an empty shell........the bigger the whole the more is needed to fill it. This need can become so great that men turn to prostitution(their wives are no longer able to satify them........men like to act out ponographic scenes.........scenes where women are sodomized........where they are seen as objects and instruments of sexual gratifycation.........in the end they can only get satisfaction from sexually perverted acts)
It is not uncommon for fathers to have sex with their own children while they are in this depraved state of mind.
I hope you do not still think I was being harsh. I think ponography is so abundant in our society that it gives the false impression of being acceptable, and it lessons the guilt of the person using it.
I also do not think that every person who is addicted to porn is capable of abusing a child or will resort to prostitution. but it does happen in many cases.
I hope this helps.