I don't come here often, but wanted to share that it's okay to juice cleanse during pregnancy. As a matter of fact, I'm doing a juice cleanse right now using oranges, as well as wheatgrass juice (but I don't drink them together). I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. Apples and beets are fine, but be careful about using beets. I understand they are powerful cleansers of the liver. It doesn't take much to do the job.
Depending on how your diet has been up to this point will determine how you feel when the cleanse is underway. There will be a period of detox, so if symptoms get nasty, you can always do an enema to help with that, but otherwise you should be just fine health-wise. Your cholesterol numbers are not healthy and indicate you need to watch what you eat overall. A juice cleanse is a great way to jumpstart a healthier diet and will help to purify the body, but your long-term diet afterwards is what counts the most. Work on eating plenty of fruits and greens after the cleanse, to continue the detox as well as to grow the baby (and you) on lots of natural vitamins and minerals. A sick body needs minerals especially, so eat a BIG green leafy salad everyday.
Happy cleansing, and email me if you have any questions,