I think it is important to keep coming here and keep learning, receiving support. Robbie, you really helped me out, as did many others, and at first, it IS scary to find out about all of this - overwhelming - but then, reading all the experiences of others. . .became empowering for me - I am certain this initial cleanse alone, is going to take quite a while for me - but slowly, things are getting better - and yes, some days, I feel like before I started, but I know that will come and go - as die off occurs in various levels of severity! But I come back here when I feel it is "too much" to handle, and I leave feeling "I can and will do this. . . " for my own health. I am in charge now, for the first time in a long time.
Don't give up Mariana! Thanks to those who keep supporting and sharing. We are not alone, and we are not "nutz" like some Doctors would have us believe - our symptoms and health problems are REAL. and we are taking REAL steps to get remedies into action for us.