This post is extremely insporational in its matter. I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted to do this flush?And if this person is on Curezone any longer? If anyone has any insite on this flush, experience diong so or know's anyone who has done so , gimme a shout back as to the outcome of things, or if this is safe? and the recovery time after diong so. Thanx take care Jeff
"I've been using a recipe by Dr. Clark.
Can't complain.
In six months I flushed out 31,963 (!) stones.
Not as large as my thumb, but many as large as 30 mm.
"Golf Balls"
Usually as soft as putty. Usually green. And never feel a thing.
Gotten rid of ALL of my
food allergies . Permanently.
Haven't tried NOT taking
Epsom Salt the day after.
But tried fresh, pure, UNfiltered apple juice. Didn't like it.
The fibrous stuff in the juice remains undigested, floats in the toilet, and interferes with my stone count.
Tried lemon juice. Got more stones out. But I didn't like it. Burned my lips and mouth.
I lie on my LEFT side. Makes better anatomical sense to me. Dr.Clark's advises "lie on your BACK". Your friend's advises "lie on your RIGHT".
Also, persistent "zapping" and not taking any drugs or vitamins make
more difference than most of us realize."
Warm regards,