It took me YEARS to get up the nerve to do a flush and wouldn't you know it didn't work. I took the
Epsom Salts at 4:00 and 6:00 then 1/2 cup olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup grapefruit juice at 8:00. I went to bed (on my right side) and threw up at 10. I didn't have any stones this morning.
I'm wondering if any of the following 3 reasons could be to blame.
First, I blended the olive oil and juice in a metal cup (didn't think about it until I took my first taste of oo and tasted the distinct taste of metal).
Second, I chewed gum after each
Epsom Salt drink to get the horrible taste out of my mouth.
Third, I took a Tylenol PM to help me sleep through the nausea.
Any suggestions on why it didn't work or what I did wrong?