Dear Friends, thank you for your supportive network. I am very concerned for my girlfirend who has a 7mm gall stone in her gall bladder at the mouth of the bile duct. She drank the purge with olive oil, epson salt and lemon juice. She defectated several pea sized stones and a lot of chaff, but this seems to have wedged the large stone into the duct entry as she is in a lot of pain now. They have brought her to the hospital and have given her anestesia so as to not feel the pain, and have scheduled an operation for the 4th of Nov.
She is very scared of the operation and wishes to try the purge again. It has been 4 days. It is advisable to try it again this soon. Also are there accounts of a 7mm long stone passing through the bile duct with Dr. Clarks gall purge?
Thank you for any information you could provide as to this matter.
Please email me at