Greetings Alan27:
The stones that leave the liver get channeled into the common bile duct which leads into the duodenum, the thick tube leading out from the stochach, bypassing the gall bladder region and then out into the intestines. Yes, occationally a stone does get stuck in one of the ducts, liver or gall bladder.
That does happen, but rarely. It has not happened to me in 31 flushes. Now and then, somebody here at curezone has that experience. That is why it is important to whach the colour of you stool after flushing. When the stool is pale and the urin is dark, one of your little comrads is not moving out.
No need to panic. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons of empsom salt in water, I take a Compounded Fizzy Magnesium' that I get from my local pharmacist who is nutrition minded, it tastes like fizzy mineral water. If you go that route I woudn't mention 'liver flush'. Just say you want it to clean out your bowels.
Usually an additional dose of magnesium gets the little fellow moving agian, failing that repeat the mag., failing that do an another liver cleanse as soon as possible, that will do the trick for sure. Again, as long as you keep your cool and do the right thing, no problem.
:-) Giz.