Greetings Tigerfish:
I understand that the liver produces about 1 liter of bile per day. The bile is necessary for digestion of food. It is the fat in the diet that particularly stimulates the liver to and the gall blatter (the storage tank for extra bile) to empty the bile into the intestines by way of the common bile duct. When the liver and gall bladder is clogged with stones it cannot produce or hold enough bile to do its job.
I might not need to take as much oil any more because I have been dumping a lot of the garbage. But I am anxious to get to the end of flushings, so I don't want to experiment at this stage.
Low fat diets are very dangerous because much of the bile does not move instead it stagnates in the gall bladder and liver to form smelly little round balls.
When extra large amounts of fat are taken there is an emergency call from liver head office 'all hands on deck, gall bladder give us all you've got the oil train is coming through again'. Liver and gall bladder work over time to gush/flush out the bile and like a raging river it picks up any debrie along the way.
The magnesium effects the intestines to relax the muscles, that is why the bowls empty and liver ducts relax more and open to let more stuff through. Organic
coffee enemas before and after a flush send a message to the liver 'dump your poisons directly into the intestines instead of sending them through the blood circulation again'.
'Fats That Heal Fats That Kill' by Udo Erasmus is a great book on fats. I enjoy all my good fats nowadays.
Happy flushing, Gisela.