The Bowen test has to be ordered by a medical doctor. Any doctor *can* order it, it's just finding one who *will*. I had this problem with an infectious disease doctor who told me there was no way I could have Lyme and didn't want to order the test. I should send him my results lolol.
But once you find a doctor who is willing to order the test, give her or him the phone number for Bowen, 727-937-9077. The doctor's office must call Bowen and request the lab protocol information.
Bowen will then fax your doctor a 13 page document that contains the protocol, payment information, and a questionnaire for you to fill out. The doc only has to fill out and sign the first page, you fill out the rest.
Then you need to find a lab that does what is called a "kit draw". Not all labs do this. Your other option is to request a kit from Bowen and take that into any lab, and info on how to do this is also in that 13 page document. However, this takes longer.
Then go get your blood drawn on any weekday except Friday (because it has to be overnighted to Florida). Also, MAKE SURE the lab sends ALL your paperwork with the kit to Bowen (they didn't do this with me and it caused a huge problem).
Once Bowen gets your blood and paperwork, they are very fast, and should have a preliminary report faxed to your doctor within 24 hours with your test results for Lyme and the two co-infections, babesia and erlichia.
Bowen will not answer any questions from patients, nor will they fax you the results directy. It all has to be done through a doctor's office. The cost of this lab is a $250 donation which insurance will not pay for but is tax deductable.
Hope that helps,