Hi MO4! I just got back on line and read your inquiry about me in the Suggestions to
Webmaster forum. How incredibly sweet of you to always be the first person to come looking for me after these storms. It's very nice to be neighbors on the internet virtual neighborhood, but there's no substitute for a cup of hot tea and homebaked cookies shared among good friends. Who knows? Maybe someday.
By the grace of God my area was totally spared this time, although everyone around me still feels an exhaustion from all the stress of the past month. Imagine how awful for the poor folks who returned from shelters to find their homes destroyed, but what really concerns me, is the people in places like Haiti and Jamaica, where there is no insurance money, no resources from which to re-build. It is these people who most desperately need our help.
Many blessings to you and yours M04, and thanks for always being there!!
Ali ~♥~