Maybe you misunderstood our point, its in total aggreement with what you said.
I find I found my freedom when I was felt finally at peace with my religion, and part of that was to place an important respect on women and the role of women. I was brought up not knowing equality, only what I saw was that a woman was judged on her outer beauty. When a woman covers ( and no one would do it unless it was written somewhere! Torah, Bible, Quran maybe?)
Yes its in the Bible, thats why growing up I saw those elderly women with a covering on their hair in church. The habit ( spelling?). The covering that Mother Teresa wore looked so much like a muslim's as well. When a woman has that on, not only that, but even modest clothing, and the dignity in which she carries herself, one cannot judge her by her beauty alone, they must deal with her intelligence, and treat her more like an Aunt or look at her like a sister rather than an object. And when I embraced al Islam, I found I didnt have to prove that I can do things just like a man, something feminists are bent on as well. Because women see that society uses beautiful women to sell everything form A to Z- just like an object- well there is the end of that object when someone puts on a dress of modesty.
Yes its so true in some areas of this society, now women are supposed to have a career, then get married, and then have a family, so you have the women now doing double work.
Islamically a women can work if she wants, and the highest reward a women will get though is if she raises the children with love and tenderness, protects her husbands property when he is away, and if she stays modest.