Dear Ali,
It sounds like your Sherlock-Holmes
QXCI machine has finally diagnosed
what is wrong with you. Like millions of other Americans, you've
had Lyme disease for a long, long
time. Unlike most of those poor
people, you know what's wrong now,
and you have strategies for overcoming it.
Yes, I think mega-doses of vitamin
C will help you. Your immune system
needs vitamin C to fight off invaders. I also urge you, Ali, to
consider taking Cat's Claw in some
form; either as Samento, or in
capsule-form. Ever since I ran
across that information on Lyme
disease just before Christmas, I've
been taking a capsule of Cat's Claw
just before I go to sleep each night. I had Mono back in 1963,
and spent a lot of time in the woods. Who knows? A few of those
nasty viruses may be lurking somewhere deep down inside me. If
so, I'm sure the Cat's Claw will
do them in.
I've also been taking a daily capsule of Amazon Vitality since
New Year's. It's made by Raintree
Nutrition, who make my Cat's Claw
capsules. AV is a blend of 7 herbs
from the Brazilian rain forest, all
of which are virus-killers. You might want to go to their website
and read about it.
I feel sure, Ali, that you'll find
a way to regain your good health.
Keep us posted on your progress.
There are tens of millions of people
around the world -- and maybe more -- who could profit from your