Happy to meet here.
May a tantric reader would like to read my birthdate's spiritual meaning basing on the date?
I found out that both "added" and "multiplied numbers can be divided to 6.
I would be very grateful to him.
20 04 1962 .
2+4+1+9+6+2=24 (2+4=6) Number of man.
2x4x1x9x6x2=864 (864+24=888)-(8+8+8=24)(2+4=6)Number of man
(8x8x8=512)(5+1+2=8)Number of Bee-lzebub. (possibly)
Spirit of King of flies and insects.
8+6=14=1+4=5 Lord; 5 ended star .
6+8+5=19 =1+9 = 10 = 1 Rabbi Creator.
April 20 is the 110 day of the year.
İn leap years April 20 is the 111. day ;
to the end of the year there are 254 more days 2+5+4=11
In Turkish alphabeth
My name makes a 112=1+1+2=4
And my surname makes a 61=6+1=7
And 7+4? 11
My life all covered with such 11 stuff.