Hi Hanna,
My urine had a very strong odor to it and it turned out to be a very serious bladder infection.
I don't have a burning sensation when i get bladder infections, I just have a strong odor and severe urinary frequency.
I just finished a 10 day course of
Antibiotics and it did not hardly touch the infection after i took the
Antibiotics , i still noticed an odor and i was going back to the doctor anyway and she said i was still heavily infected, even tho' i felt better, so i gave a sample at the lab and they are doing a 3 day culture on it to see what kind of bacteria is in my bladder and why i keep getting re-infected all the time.
I spent several days taking unsweetened cranberry juice and mega doses of vit.c, by it did not work either.
While i am waiting for the results, i am drinking unsweetened cranberry juice and 2 tblsp. of organic apple cider vinegar a few times a day as well.
You can get a bladder infection when you have sex, i did.
You need to pee before and after sex and wash yourself before and after sex as well.
You really need to check this out, b/c it could end up going into your kidneys and causing alot of problems.
Since your urine is dark that could be indicative of other problems.
Just b/c it doesn't hurt doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
I hope this helps you.
Take care