Hi, im a 17 year old senior in high school who wants to hang out, go to camps, play sports, go to college, and much more.
I cant do a lot of them because i have nocturnal anuresis which i was diognosed with at the age of 14 or so. i have taken any perscription that was offered, and all combonations of them. Oral pills, sprays, and a nasal tube. I have used alarms and items to wake me up in the night. I have seen 6 doctors, including an endocrinologist, petiatricians and 3 urologists, along with my regular family doctors. I have even tried acupuncture.
I have had many tests done on my bladder and even a cystoscope, ultrosound, and others.
If you have ANY question or idea and may be able to help me somehow, please reply to my post. Thanks for reading and helping my physical disorder thats hindering my actions as a 17 year old.