What a blessing it was to find this forum! Ten days later, I see new people coming on, asking the same questions I did, and the regulars continue to step in and educate, and the ones who are learning join in with their support and newly acquired knowledge. I'll bet dollars to donuts there are a ton of people who stayed on the MC longer than they otherwise would have been able to - simply because of the people on this forum.
I've had fun - and I'll continue to be around, but I could use a reminder of balance. Good heavens, I did nothing BUT post the first four or five days on the MC. And if I wasn't posting, I was reading! The knowledge on this forum - this one alone - never mind the others as well, is mind boggling.
The people on here are absolutely tremendous. If it was logistically possible (and if I had just won the lottery) I’d fly us all to some spa, then we could cleanse and yak and tell poop jokes while we luxuriated in the sauna between massages! (YO! Fun or WHAT?)
TO EVERYONE...(not just as it applies to me and my experience, but for what I see going on here in general):
- for sharing your experiences, advice and wisdom – or conversely, the freshness of your experience...
- for baring your emotions and being real about who you are...
- for not second guessing the asking of your questions and for answering the same beginner questions that continue to come back around and around....
- for the humor, the zaniness, and the word play – and for being willing to relish the 3-year old in yourself that is fascinated with POOP!....
(...Hey, that’s a thought! Back to the 3-year old thought train - we could create and pass out buttons – or bumperstickers - that say:
(a forum poster)
But I digress.)
THANK YOU! Thank you for being here so that I could be part of the experience and most of all THANKS FOR BEING YOU!!!!HUGS!!!!
Ciao, kids – back later!
Blessings to everyone –
(PS to Julie and JoAnne: How 'BOUT those sexy ankles, eh? Time for some 4" strappy sandals? YOU GO, GIRLS!!!!!)