Well I must say this one wiped me out! I was able to get the drinks down fine but for some reason I couldn't use the bathroom before bed even though my tummy was rumbling. This happend once before and I ended up waking up with terrible pains. I didn't have any pains this time but knew I needed to use the bathroom. So I got up a little after 5am and drank a glass of warm lemon water to see if that would work. It might have helped slightly but I still didn't have any urge to go. I sat there for a while and massaged the area until I was able to go several times. I finally went back to bed and set the alarm but had a really hard time getting back up to take the 3rd dose. I took it about 7:30 and set the alarm to take the 4th at 9:30. I slept so hard I literally could not get up. My husband came in at 10:00 to see if I was ok. I finally was able to get myself up at 11:00 and I took my 4th dose late. I haven't had ANY stones! Not a single one! At first I was bummed but then I got to thinking that maybe my liver is clean. For the past 2 weeks or so I've been using Chinese bitters which cleanses the liver of fat and cholesterol. I'd like to think this is the case and I hope so. These flushes are really hard on the body and I'd certainly rather cleanse my liver in other ways. I'm going to continue with the Chinese bitters and then use a maintenance dose. So even though I didn't get any stones I am happy with my results.