I tried to respond to your e-mail but the address came back with a mailer daemon. :( I tried to respond to your post on dirt cravings but my computer locked up!!! LOL! OH dear. So I hope you find this, here's most of my e-mail:
My chemistry of nutrition books says dirt cravings
means lack of essential minerals and metals, like
zinc, magnesium and iron and even copper. It's quite
common in starving countries for kids to eat dirt -
isn't that sad??? All cravings are usually for
something quite different, it's just that that is the
only way the body can "talk" to us. Like when we crave
chocolate it's because we need magnesium and a bit of
a "pick me up" because chocolate has a hormonal effect
on us.
> And I was reading a post about toxemia and I was
> wondering if this is a lasting thing(I mean do the
> toxins stay in the body after pregnancy?)I did get
> toxemia with my first and fourth and I gained alot
> of water weight and I was wonderingabout my liver
> and my thyroid and my inability to lose weight(my
Toxemia is temporary. It means the body cannot keep up
with the demands of all those hormones etc., and so
wastes that are normally excreted pile up in the body.
It would definitely help to do a cleanse, such as a
special kind of fast, for awhile. Is your youngest
child 5 then? So it's been 5 years since you've been
pregnant, right? The toxemia should all be gone but
you do need to pamper your organs a bit. ;)
Pregnancy very much stresses the liver and
gallbladder. Most of the gb surgeries take place after
pregnancy! Poor women. So keep up with the liver
flushes, bowel management, all that. It's a slow
healing process but it's possible!!! I think the key
to weight loss is a healthy liver first, strong
constitution second, diet and exercise third.
> As to the oil question if you could give me your
> thoughts on the 2tbsp milled flaxseed in the
> morning, 2 tbsp organic virgin coconut oil at lunch
> and 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil at bedtime?Is this
> okay or do you have a better suggestion?
I think that's fine! If your blood cholesterol is
higher than 200, consider swapping out one of the oils
for cold rpessed flax seed oil. Use the
Olive-Oil for
cooking definitely as much as possible, but flax seed
has more linoleic acid and that lowers cholesterol.
There are also hot ceral mixes (Bob's 5 grain etc.)
that have flax seed in them, and that's a great way to
get the flax seed and tons of fiber and good oils too.
Yuo can add flax seed oil to the cereal as the
"butter", along with milk and cinamon and some kind of
sweetener. Whenever I want to correct my weight and
help my liver I eat tons of good hot cereals for
breakfast AND dinner. They're very warming,
comforting, filling, and provide great steady energy.
And they taste fine! Much better than most "diet"
foods LOL!
Also I
> don't know if knowing makes a difference but my
> children are fairly close in age (9,8,7&5)and I did
> not use any medication at all when I was giving
> birth.(which is why I was hoping that maybe the
> toxins didn't stay in my body?)I don't know about
> this stuff and any help you can give me would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks Shelleycat
> ME:)
It does make a difference to how hard you had to
work!!! :)
Take care,