I came across this product "KIMI", most likely a scam, that uses the practices of accupuncture in the feet (reflexology) to help your bones grow. I know that this is 99.9% not possible, but I'm wondering if their description of how it works makes any sense to someone who studies or has any knowledge on accupuncture. I would really appreciate any input.
It might be easier to read from the webpage if you care to look, there are also some pictures to help illustrate the description better. What I am most curious about, is this negative/positive feedback circuit. Is this something one can achieve by going to an accupuncturist or reflexologist and is this the only way?
Let me know what you guys think!!!
The Application of Kimi Creates A Natural
Positive Feedback Circuit To Stimulate Growth Hormone Secretion
Positive feedback is seen when the output of a pathway stimulates inputs to the pathway. An example of positive feedback is the phenomenon of autacatalysis, which occurs in some digestive enzymes such as pepsin. Pepsin is a protein-digesting enzyme that works in the stomach. However, the stomach does not secrete pepsin; it secretes an inactive form, called pepsinogen. When one pepsinogen molecule becomes activated, it helps to activate other pepsinogens nearby, which in turn can activate others. In this way, the number of active pepsin molecules can increase rapidly, by using positive feedback.
In your case, you need a Positive Feedback Circuit that minimizes the effect of your body's Negative Feedback Circuit and maximizes your pituitary gland's secretion of growth hormone. Here is where our great Kimi device comes to serve you: the application of Kimi will create a natural Positive Feedback Circuit by stimulating the activities of Adrenal gland, Pancreas, and liver.
Kimi actually uses the same principle as the famous Chinese acupuncture, which is called reflexology. Your feet can be seen as mirror images of your body. The following picture on the left is a quick look at how your body matches to the sole of your feet. Notice how the shape and curve of your feet match the shape and curve of your body. The following picture on the right shows that the spinal column is reflected in the inside curve of the foot. Studies have shown that the curve of an individual's foot matches the curve of his/ her spinal column with mathematical precision. Have a look at your own foot and those around you!
Stimulation in any part of your feet mirrors in turn will stimulate the corresponding part of the body. Reflexology is the application of pressure, movement, and stimulation to your feet to affect corresponding parts of your body. Pressure applied to the feet generates a signal through the peripheral nervous system. From there it enters the central nervous system where it is processed in various parts of the brain. It is then relayed to the internal glands and organs to stimulate the necessary adjustments in their activities and functions.
Before you use Kimi, you place the most convex parts of the stimulator device against the most concave parts of your feet. Referring to the foot reflexology chart above, the nerve points corresponding to your adrenal gland, pancreas, and livers locate at the most concave parts of your feet. When you walk with Kimi, Kimi applies the principle of reflexology: the convex parts of the device constantly stimulate the nerve points corresponding to your adrenal gland, pancreas, and livers, thus in turn stimulate the activities of these important glands and organ to create a natural Positive Feedback Circuit to increase growth hormone secretion. The detailed mechanisms used to create the Positive Feedback Circuit are explained below.
Firstly, the application of Kimi stimulates adrenal gland to increase metabolism, while decrease glucose (major form of sugar) and insulin levels in blood. Adrenal gland (as illustrated in the image on the right), which are also called suprarenal glands, are small, triangular glands located on top of both kidneys. An adrenal gland is made of two parts: the outer region is called the adrenal cortex and the center region is called the adrenal medulla. The adrenal cortex produces hormones necessary for fluid and electrolyte (salt) balance in the body such as cortisone and aldosterone, which are not within our concern. However, the adrenal medulla, if under stimulation, produce two very important hormones: epinephrine and norepinephrine, which increase the heart rate and force of heart contractions, facilitates blood flow to the muscles and brain, assists in pulmonary ventilation (better breathing), increase overall metabolism rate, and most importantly, decrease blood concentrations of glucose and insulin.
Insulin (as illustrated in the image on the right) is a small protein containing 51 amino acids. Insulin is secreted by pancreas in response to high blood concentrations of glucose. Glucose (major form of sugar) is liberated from dietary carbohydrate such as starch or sucrose by hydrolysis within the small intestine, and is then absorbed into the blood. High concentrations of glucose in blood stimulate release of insulin, and insulin acts on cells throughout the body to stimulate uptake, utilization and storage of glucose. If the blood concentrations of glucose are low, little or no insulin will be secreted. Thus by stimulating the adrenal gland, the application of Kimi increases the overall metabolism and decreases the insulin levels in the blood.
An increased metabolism helps create a Positive Feedback Circuit to increase the secretion of growth hormone because the existing growth hormone in the blood can be quickly carried to its targeted cells and used up to grow muscle and bone. This will decrease the blood concentration of growth hormone and thus trigger neurons in the hypothalamus to secrete GHRH that stimulates pituitary gland into secreting more growth hormone. A decreased blood concentration of insulin also helps create a Positive Feedback Circuit because insulin is the biggest inhibitor for growth hormone's secretion. Recall an important point in the above section of the Negative Feedback Circuit: besides growth hormone itself, its byproduct, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) also triggers the Negative Feedback Circuit to inhibit the secretion of growth hormone. Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), as the name suggests, are structurally very similar to the insulin molecule. Essentially an IGF-1 is about two thirds of an insulin. Since they are almost the same, high blood concentrations of insulin has essentially the same effect as high blood concentrations of IGF-1 - to inhibit the secretion of growth hormone! Therefore, by decreasing the blood concentrations of both growth hormone and insulin, the application of Kimi removes the two main causes that trigger the Negative Feedback Circuit, and starts a Positive Feedback Circuit that leads to increase the secretion of growth hormone.
Secondly, the application of Kimi stimulates pancreas to secrete glucagon and further enhances the Positive Feedback to increase the secretion of growth hormone. The pancreas (as illustrated in the image on the right) houses two distinctly different tissues. The bulk of its mass is exocrine tissue and associated ducts, which produce an alkaline fluid loaded with digestive enzymes which is delivered to the small intestine to facilitate digestion of foodstuffs and has little to do with the secretion of growth hormone. Scattered throughout the exocrine tissue are several hundred thousand clusters of endocrine cells which produce the hormones insulin and glucagon.
Glucagon (as illustrated in the left image below) is a linear peptide of 29 amino acids which has the opposite effect of insulin. That is, glucagon has the effect of increasing blood glucose levels. Knowing that glucagon's major effect is to increase blood glucose levels, it makes sense that glucagon is secreted in response to low blood concentrations of glucose. Although pancreas secretes both insulin and glucagon, it can not secrete both of them at the same time. Exactly which hormone is secreted by pancreas at a certain time is determined by the blood concentrations of glucose. When the blood concentrations of glucose are high, the pancreas secretes insulin; when the blood concentrations of glucose are low, the pancreas secretes glucagon (as illustrated in the right image below). Since the stimulation of adrenal gland has caused low blood concentrations of glucose, pancreas secretes glucagon when it is also stimulated by Kimi. In contrast to insulin, glucagon is a stimulator for the secretion of growth hormone. Therefore, by stimulating pancreas to secrete more glucagon, the application of Kimi further enhances the Positive Feedback Circuit that increases the secretion of growth hormone.
Glucagon molecule.gif (4423 bytes)
Finally, the application of Kimi stimulates liver to secrete IGF-1 in response to the extra growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland and induce another cycle of the Positive Feedback Circuit. Growth hormone binds to cells in the liver, and these cells release IGF-1 into the blood. Increased metabolic rate and blood circulation resulted from stimulating the adrenal gland carry IGF-1 to its targeted cells and stimulate muscle and bone growth. This in return decreases blood concentration of growth hormone and IGF-1, thus completing a circle of the Positive Feedback Circuit. Then the process returns to step one, where low blood concentration of growth hormone and IGF-1 further trigger another positive feedback and signal hypothalamic to release more GHRH that stimulates pituitary gland to secrete even more growth hormone. The Positive Feedback Circuit will continue like this as long as you keep using Kimi to stimulate the activities of adrenal gland, pancreas, and liver. Moreover, such Positive Feedback Circuit is completely natural and safe since the extra growth hormone and IGF-1 are immediately transported to their targeted cells and consumed in stimulating muscle and bone growth. After you stop using Kimi, the Positive Feedback Circuit is interrupted and your body's Negative Feedback Circuit will soon stop the extra secretion of growth hormone.