Wow, this website looks awesome. Thank you for posting it.
I've had ruptured disks (and surgery) at L4 and L5. I was especially suffering the 'lack of security' and 'feelings of guilt' the chart mentions.
My body is a mess. I'm in the process of getting WELL.
I used to go to a chiropractor many years ago. I thought I was infertile, and after an adjustment I got pregnant.
After giving birth, every time I'd get adjusted I would vomit within an hour. No feeling sick, no queasiness at all. I would throw up and then be hungry and eat... :) Go figure.
Thomas, do you think a chiropractor can help someone like me, who has had back surgery? I still have problems, scar tissue, arthritis, bursitis, facet joint problems in lower back. In fact, I am disabled with chronic pain.