I was seriously ill once for weeks, had been to the emergency room twice and my doctor wanted to hospitalize me. I was unable to hold down water, food, and had somehow poisoned my body and nothing was helping. My doctor wanted to hospitalize me but I refused. I stayed home in bed for 6 weeks and had come to the point where I thought and my family thought I was going to die. The doctor had sent over medicine to help me keep down water but even that would not stay down. I prayed and my guidance inspired me to get out my reflexology books. Within two days I was functioning again. Of course after 6+ weeks my body was pretty tore up but the reflexology enabled me to get out of bed and get to my acupuncturist who said I would not have lasted another week. He worked on me every day for a week until he had *jump-started* everything again...
So, I believe reflexology can be very powerful. The beauty is that it can be gentle and one does not have to overstimulate the points or "dig deep" as they say to be effective. I went to a seminar once on reflexology and it was interesting to see the different techniques and degrees of touch used. Self-reflexology is a wonderful way to add awareness of one's own needs since the painful spots in the feet especially give you good feedback...
Like someone advised however, water, water, water....