My thoughts would be to use recycled materials, end result should be enjoyable for the kids, bring awareness to the viewers and "recyle" life for some trees, animals and minds...
An idea:
Salvaged wood and other materials - to make "homes" for animals displaced by overbuilding - and then create a "habitat sanctuary trail" by a county or city river or land or perhaps a school yard. It need not be huge, just a statement, like raising a flag to bring awareness.
Could be birdhouses, then birdfeeders made of recyled plastic bottles, windchimes made of other salvaged pieces (car parts?) etc. Don't know what the needs are for local fauna & flora.
The local chapters of the wildlife organization, national arbor society, garden club, art depts and city hall - may be willing to chip in with ideas on "how and where to"
Also would consider enlisting a local school's art class kids or architectural students to work along with the group.
Recycled paper:
How many trees do we throw away by paper overuse and how does it affect our envionment, weather and wildlife?
This could be a theme - How to craft an answer?
Maybe origami or paper mache, or maybe recycled paper greeting cards
Making of a statement piece illustrating how many trees it takes to make how much paper and how much per second is being simply thrown out. Perhaps magazine stacks? Possible to get a plastics company to donate shape appropriate "container" to dispay the piece?
Recycled glass:
pieces of recycled tumbled glass, recycled metal car parts can be embedded in cement and turned into pavers to display at a local park. Each paving stone could have a theme, or the combination of all might tell a story.
Garbage art: this was in the trash?
Convert what would have been thrown away into alternative use items or art pieces.
For example: Make old CD's into photo frames, or old t-shirts into throw pillows or pet toys and blankets, old greeting cards into new ones etc.
Charge for the show, sell the items, and donate the funds to save some animals used for experiments. This will bring focus to that horrible practice, and also to the recycling issue.
Make a playhouse at the local park with all recycled materials:
It need not be what everyone thinks of: recruit a local engineer and tap his mind for ideas.
So many people have ingenious ideas and would love to work with you.
or: can it just be a play or series of?
And donate the ticket proceeds to worthy causes? (double punch)
Don't know the scope of the project, or the ages of the children. So just put down some thoughts.
I like the play, or series of because it allows for expanding on the issues and props can all help to drive the point home, while the proceeds could help bring other important topics to the forefront.
Here are some links I found:
He is doing a service by taking tossed away items and rescueing them for our personal enjoyment. He works extensively with children, volunteering his time to show them how to create art with everyday things. " (see: Mr. Imagination)
here's one in NYC using recycled cans and the proceeds are donated to the food harvest:
I hope some of these ideas have a spark, it is a great project!
Don't know why but keep thinking water and or chimes should be in there somewhere...
MadArt (ist)