Good evening! Today is Day 1 for me also. This will be my 3rd successful MC. I have started several, but wasn't in the right frame of mind. This time I am ready to stick with it. My first 2 successful MC's were 16 days each. This time I'm going for 10-14. Then I'll do the liver flush.
I am always more cold when fasting, whether its the
Master-Cleanse or a juice fast.
The hunger is also normal. I PIGGED out yesterday (not recommended) and am paying for it with a headache and hunger today. But it will pass. I didn't use my tea this morning either. I forgot. But I'll take it tonight and do the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the morning.
Let me know if you have questions, or if you still feel like giving up. Once you get past the first few days, you'll be SO glad you stuck with it!