i took a quick nap in my basement, and had a creepy dream. Im not sure what was going on but i was in some sort of moving object that resembled that of a bobsled. there were people on both sides of me encouraging me and giving me hand shakes wishing me the best of luck. It seemed like they were pushing me and gave me a boost, but somehow they all slipped. From that point on all i remember is the "bobsled" could no longer be stopped and was in motion. As the bobsled moved people would fall in front and get run over or mangled by the "bobsled" that I was riding in. In dream time it seemed like it was about 20 seconds. Eventually the people on the sides of me had their heads severed. they rolled down the ramp of whatever type of vehicle I was in. Then suddenly the ramp i was riding down, ended at a cliff and i began to free fall. The severed heads fell with me into what seemed like a small lake. Through my perception it seemed as if my eyes were a camera. I had no real fear so i cant really call it a nightmare. After i fell into the lake, the image was blank, not sure if it was black or white. It ended with a creepy scream. High pitch. I woke up and left my basement as quick as possible; i was freaked. I've never had a dream like this. hmmm.