After posting my most recent dream-see below, hot for teacher! :)
I was scrolling through the forum and saw that you responded to my baby dream.
Thanks- I think you are SO right about it being a new idea or direction in my life that needs ME to do the nurturing and no one else.
I think we've talked about how in the past I have turned much of my power over to partners, so this is a definite area of growth for me.
I'm still doing SO MUCH personal growth stuff! Every day feels like major new revelations, and my dreams are more potent than I ever remember them.
Sometimes I just sit back and think about where I am in life in this moment and think I am so lucky! to be going through this intensely transformative time.
Anyway, wanted to thank you for your insight to the baby dream- that puts a much more positive spin on it, and I relate to that much more than where I was going with it.