Forgive him, the doctor means well. He does not have the capacity to comprehend the bigger picture (yet?...uh i hope). Sometimes intellect is a hinderence to one's ability to heal. It ignores intuition and the spirit. Mucch of the knowledge gained through
Science is faulted and "subjective". Subjective to their own wishes and dreams to find connections and relationships between the physical and disease. There heart is in the right place but they are closed. They are brainwashed by pharm co's and society. "Make money", another dark voice speaks to them, so it gets confusing.
You know all this, Elly, I know. I just wanted to say something to you to make you aware that all your spiritual and emotional work is doing a wealth of good right now. Of course, we need to cleanse our bodies and treat them with loving care. (its hard to cleanse with all the toxins everywhere, gosh!) We need also to cleanse our emotional baggage and get in touch with the spiritual.
I know you will be successful!!! You're an inspiring soul to begin with! Later You will be teaching us! The many great lessons coming to you Elly, will be ones that only the blessed can earn. You have a very special and strong soul.
Side note--- Did you ever read "Emotions Buried Alive Never Die" its something to work out stress, emotions, childhood, any resentments, bad memories.... So many have said it helped them. i will read it next.
Ok dokey, enough of my ramblings on.....
Much Love and Calming Whispers,