Hi Dee-Ann! How are you? You posted about the baby birds on the Gardening Forum didn't you? awwww...I felt sad...
Funnily, I have 3 baby seagulls on the rooftop behind me - for 13 years I've seen the baby seagulls being born on the rooftop behind me (I have binoculars for a better look) and usually there are only 2 - but this year there are three! And man are they cute - spotted heads and fluffy bodies...
Anyway - correct me if I'm wrong - but months ago didn't you have that amazing dream about the starving cat - then you fed it water...etc and it was a mirror of an aspect of yourself (subconscious/spiritual) that had been neglected etc?, if I am remembering's pretty interesting that you get animal dreams fairly often!
Small animals - like the one you forgot in a cupboard in this dream - usually symbolize the 'animal instinct' part of ourselves - but if it is a specific animal and not just a 'small furry animal' then we might be able to get more specific (like if it was a cat) reeally makes me think of the old cat dream...did you neglect it again?
Yes, definitely that small animal dream is your higher self reminding you about an aspect of yourself (instinctual? sense-oriented?) that you have needed nurturing but you didn't so it has died. BUT it, of course, can be re-born again! Rise up from the ashes and all sooon as you discover what this represents within you then it will be instantly re-born (thoughts=energy=reality) and all you'll have to do is nurture it and stay aware of this small little instinct/intuition/sensing? that wants to live!
So, hmm..the second dream is very interesting too! Looking in the closet suggests that you were opening a door within yourself to a dark, hidden, forgotten part of yourself. And you got 'stung' by this old past, forgotten stuff. What could it be? Bees might suggest 'birds and the bees' stuff - sex? Or perhaps the symbolism is the hard-working, organized 'worker bees' that work to manifest honey/abundance?
Perhaps you acted in a stinging way (or someone else stung you) in the past and you just wanted to forget about it...? (sexual relationship or work relationship?)
I'm just not sure...hopefully some of my and Lilpolock's suggestions will trigger the truth of the matter...
Hope to hear from you!
love T