Hal the computer on 2001:A space oddessy was asking Dr. Chandra if he, Hal, would dream when he goes to sleep [hal the computer was being shut off].
Dr. Chandra replied "Yes Hal, all living things dream".
[Or was that "all intelligent things" ?]
in anmy case, I want to dream again.
Medications, illness, insomnia, etc have conspired to stop me from dreaming , or at least from remembering them. I really believe that I do not dream anymore. Its not a state of living, its more like being dead.
At 2 to 4 hrs of sleep per night, maybe i just stopped going into alpha sleep. No dreams. I often do not think I actually fall asleep, I just am unaware of the passage of time for a bit and think I slept.
"All living things dream Hal"
I wonder now if I have been dead for almost 10 years?
In any case, I may come alive again.
The pains I took medications for is gone now, after some interventions helped.
IF [big ifffy] I can get thru the withdrawals of the drug addiction I aquired, I will live again, which will be confirmed by the dreaming.
Oh, I hope to dream. Its a big empmty spot.
Of course, I am writing this so you can all respect how great a normal life is, where you dream. Appreciate it, its real.