Hi Tyler!
RE: how do you find out if potassium is acid forming or not: the definitive answer is a special blood ph test that Kelley and Rudolf Wiley use. Also those of us who test very high protein types (aka Hunter Gatherers) have unusual acid reactions to potassium. I am reading Rudolf Wiley's BioBalance2 and it's all about this issue of ph balance and metabolic typing.
I am so new to this, only a couple months now but my understanding is that PH papers are not valid indicators.
Great example is the ph papers don't work when we're cleansing because our body is dumping lots of acids, so your ph papers will show high acid for sputum and urine when you are eating vegan, megadosing on mineral broths etc. and you are infact very alkaline.
According to Dr. Anderson (Rise and Shine) the only valid ph test during cleansing is the lemon test...drink one fresh lemon in 2
oz distilled water, first thing in am, swish in mouth then swallow. Wait 2 minutes, then do a sputum ph test every minute times 6 minutes. record each ph test. One of the last 3 must be alkaline to indicate you have good mineral reserves left.
I just popped some good links into the other thread that you might enjoy.
I have now seen What the Bleep 5 times and I think the physicist is right on when he says...
It's no longer what you's what you don't know!