I am sitting with a friend who has a question.. we can't seem to register him and therefore am using my nick..he is now typing the question... would like to know how my parents are who passed away a year ago in quick sucsession.
I've been away for a few days, I'm sorry, I'm late in replying.
Your parents are fine and together. I sense that your Mom spends a good deal of time near you. Your Dad comes and goes, just to check things "you and your life" out for himself from time to time. All in well and peacfull in there world. You seem to be doing okay in yours.
Hi libra,
was wondreing if you could have been more specefic with more details? Also wanted to know about my work/business their feelings , about my other siblings. Am I being unreasonable to ask you more details then pls let me know.tks..39075