Hi Libra,
Actually, the only part that comes close is the part about being surprised about the person with her. She (my mom) did not know this person in life, but I always felt they would meet on the other side (me being the common denominator).
Before you had mentioned the name Arthur and still can't relate this name. But I have been trying to think of someone I knew. My mom knew lots of people that I did not but would often talk to me about people she knew. So maybe it was one of her acquaintances.
Now I'm beginning to have my doubts that my dream was an actual visit. Regular dreams can seem so real too. When the visit occured, I had been wondering why my mom had not come to me in a dream and basically on an unspoken level I wanted her to visit me, but at the time I was not thinking about this other person coming for a visit with her. So maybe it was just a dream because I wanted it so bad. I'm confused.
Thanks for trying. I know you have had quite a few requests and how you keep them all straight is pretty amazing. I wonder if any of this makes sense for someone else involved in this forum?