This link
has some math you might understand - I am not one of you, ha ha ha.
But surmising that it does makes sense, it is saying the Mayan clock is being represented in CROP CIRLCES. Wow.
And the time is upon us my dears, another year or so until the big earthquake as predicted by the Mayans. But we have heard that too many times, a trick to make us complacent eh?
So how did they - the mayans - know this precise stuff all those years ago?
Maybe Carl Sagan was right after all. Maybe How-weird Stern is the 2nd Christ. Maybe I have the genes of an alien.
And so it goes, the mystery unfolds thru time. And now it seems like a long time to wait - another year...
2007 is the date some scientist says is one of two possibilities:
"One of these was "13-10-7", while the other was "14-5-11".
K - I think it reads: 13th day of Oct 2007 and 14th of May 2011.
So those of us with open eyes and open hearts can prepare? How? For what?
We have been believing that for 10 years now. nothing we can do unless we commit to a cabin in the wooods and get it stocked up for survival. FEMA won't be here!!
Earthquakes, storms, wars, etc.? sure, looks bad, BUT THEY MIGHT BE LOCALISED - not everyone will be directly involved in the crisis. Only about 10% - which means 700million people dead - and the rest of us simply without "a strong economy" for awhile. Some starvation, sure enough.
Or it could badly affect the coastal areas, about 80% of earths human population live there... its about time to move them away from the coast!!! 1billion victims or 5 billion? either way it will count as the apocalypse. I bet I go thru it with just a little hunger.
ASIDE from the personal struggles:
There will be forces that will use the chaos to build empires. This will be the biggest threat and taker of life. Don't join the army fergawds sake - that how the poor kill the poor. Lookit Iraq - poor southern boys killing poor arab men forced into fighting by warlords while the leaders of both nations shake hands.
but if we help each other and dont get too survivalsitic about things, , most of us will see a better day ahead in 2013.
Apocalypse? sort of, but just as natural disaters beyond terrible, that aliens appear to be warning us about.
The aliens must like us, to warn us, and we will meet when the apocalypse starts - they will come to help us but they cant do much, they just hate to see our suffering.
Maybe they will come when its over, to stop the wars that might follow[if they were going to take over, why warn us about the storm?]