Hi Crop Circler,
Wow, I printed off your message and will read it tonight over tea!
Just to respond to your first paragraph..."You may well ask why the Crop Circle makers guard their mysterious appearance and its purpose from the world at large" and then "I often wonder why the Makers haven't made their message clear and simple to ordinary people around the world". I have 2 thoughts...
As a meditation teacher and student and watcher of the mind and reader of all sorts of things, I encounter time and again the fact that all the wonderful mysteries of life are guarded by our own minds. We have to uncover these mysteries for ourselves by going within, trusting instinct over reason etc. etc. The mind does this for a reason, so that we can rise above the ordinary to the divine. (I could go on but will spare you...ha!).
Secondly, the messages ARE clear and simple. And I expect it is this way with crop circles as well. It is only our messy and busy minds that can't interpret. The "Makers" have no intention to make it difficult, but, just like our own minds, to provide the necessary work in clearing and going within.
Thanks for this post.