Prior to CZ, this was posted to PPC which is:
The following was posted to Barry Carter’s White Gold Forum:
-=-=- WhiteGold Digest
Reply to: originates in White
Control: Mojave Desert CA USA Gold
Subject: Subscribe or Unsubscribe midnight!west Digest
Moderator: sysadmin: (c)2005
A number of PPCers are on the various B C Ormus lists (and might have already noted this info) but this is the only one HRH has posted to - And there have been a number of his posts over the past few days.
The following two were saved to Word Processor yesterday - Reading today set off PPC Vibes.
There is no product for sale - Just info that some might Vibe to.......
-------------------- 12 --------------------
Subject: Re: WhiteGold: HRH: M-Body 201
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 21:33:58 -0600
Much of the information as said in the previous posts to you refer to
my research from government/military and my own personal company's researches.
As such, the information is presented, but company proprietary rights
and protocols remain restricted for personal and national security reasons.
This information was garnered via medical texts of cellular
structure, and "at what volume would be needed for normal saline
colloidals maximize in nanotubules, ... otherwise, at what level of
volume or lesser volume with greater energy levels the colloidals and
hypercolloidals ."
The answers from study, research, cross-sciences, and quantum science
yielded the approximate statements as given. Because, I want to know
how soon I would gain a maximum energization level via normal saline
colloidals, or my protocols developing hypercolloidals.
The difference of energy levels compared with the muff metal
technologies posted in previous posts lead to these
approximations. As quantum electrolyte colloidals have their own
energy levels, and their accumulation within the cellular structure
vs floating around in the body and brain leads to the cyborg
-computer structure and spiritual consciousness of the spiritual light body.
Yes, much of the ancient knowledge has been through various American
and European high secret societies. I am a high adept, as was my
royal Grandfather. He grew potatoes in 1959-60 (I am sure as a
child, age 6, helping him) with a version of sea water or
colloidals). He grew spuds that would make a football blush, like
the one pictured on your ORMUS plants.
According to Hindu mystics as I understand them, there are 144,000
nadis, which is an interesting biblical reference that coincides with
a New Testament reference in the last book of that spiritual
faith. I have taken a vast look at that book, and have seen various
levels in it that correspond to a higher quantum
Science and
spirituality hidden with those verses that are both prophetic future
history (Tribulation, wars, Armageddon, Millennium), but also the
theosis process, which substantiates my statements and that of the
ancient archive given to me by my royal Grandfather. There is so
much overwhelming information coming from the archive that I still
find new clues to quantum
Science and spirituality that validates the
ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and all others speaking
of soma, manna, or other such product were ingesting these quantum product.
Also this product was cross-cultural and also at that time
cross-faithed. Druids, witches were brewing it, it was the Holy
Grail, it was all the different forms of people having drinking
sessions (theosis rituals, not bacchanalia wine drunkenness
bouts). The ancients were theosis elites and made and used the product.
The words high-state metal products is your high-spin product, which
I will not get involved with or ingest. It is for me a dead end, or
a not-as-yet qualified theosis product that should be taken by
us. We are not properly prepared physically, mentally, emotionally,
nervously, and quantum spiritual light body ... then maybe or maybe not.
Right now the answer is an adamant definitely not for me and anybody
who listens and follows my findings. People need to make their own
decisions in regard to my opinion.
I can't divulge the quantum detection devices. Let us say that
anything related to Star Trek, Star Wars, or other such technology is
absolutely quantum muff metal technology, including cloaking devices,
warp drives, photon bombs, phasers, phaser rifles, internal
gravitational sectors on the flooring with a Starship (and Spocks
high gravity quarters resembling Vulcan), tricorders, recorders, the
little healing scanners Bones uses, and other such medical products
(like Bones gave the lady who had kidney disease a pill that rebuilt
her kidneys ... think Tut's tail .. and quantum colloidals is the
correct answer!), all this has vast industrial, economic, big company
fears, and national security, and military implications. I mentioned
I do governmental/military confidential/classified consulting work
and research, besides my own company studies and research into
Science and spirituality.
As said, along the length of our postings company proprietary rights
remain restricted. I am actually being very generous to you in
disseminating this information. I need to know and trust you more
... and then we Oregonians/Washingtonians can have some greater interaction.
In fact, you should be sending these posts to the Essene and see what
he comments.
Theosis is an ancient and religious European term meaning becoming
like God or a saint. Changing from a mortal lifeless human into a
saint and higher into a prophet, into having cosmic consciousness,
into having Christ consciousness, and eventually, if able, to
energize up to attaining some, part, or all of god
consciousness. All of this is more highly respected in the Jewish,
Hasidic, Muslim, Sufi, and Greek Orthodox church circles. The same
could be said for Zen, Mahayana Buddhism, ....
C-charging? Typo? C-changing, a political term, meaning a change of
regime, mental thinking, cultural change, political change, ....
paradigm thought process liberation away from physical, mental,
emotional, nervous, and spiritual enslavement by certain current
hierarchical organizations wanting to keep mankind from achieving
their true spiritual destiny, as the children of God.
M-state metals of the Valency 8 periodic table of elements are iron,
cobalt, nickel, copper, rhenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium,
iridium, platinum, and gold. The so-called fabled 12 m-state metals,
having both quantum energy signatures and superconductive powers
(another form of quantum energy).
Colloidals are the normal nanometer size saline water electrolytes at
their smallest atomic cluster size and shape. This does not imply
that they have maximum quantum energies, or the correct quantum
cluster shape. Hypercolloidals are quantum shaped nanometer
electrolytes that have been empowered by certain quantum energy
protocols giving them a higher energy signature. Those protocols are
The difference is like tasting white man's salt and going ugh when
tasting the sodium and chlorine. Then taste full spectrum sea water,
especially on cantaloupe and taste all the different colloidal
element signatures. Cantaloupe would be like a beer expert or wine
taster experiencing apple, plum, berry, grass, oaky, mushroomy, chalky, ....
Then taste a cantaloupe with hypercolloidals and the higher energies
would be like tasting the cantaloupe like (ahem!, I know nothing
about this) after a MJ joint and having the munchies and experiencing
the higher energy signatures and yummy energies rippling across your
tongue and brain cells. Kind of like drinking a near-beer and tasting
beer, but not getting a buzz. Hypercolloidals would be the real beer
with the energy buzz, alongside the normal taste sensations.
Also, according to quantum science, we now understand how to produce
synth-ahol like Star Trek. It is an alcoholic drink that has quantum
hypercolloidals in it, like the current Greeks put salt water in
their drinks. Salt water prevents alcholosis and drunkenness. A
quantum hypercolloidal salt inside an alcoholic drink, would give you
a quantum buzz (not toxic), and counteract the alcohol buzz (toxic),
and still allow the alcohol to be processed normally via
digestion. One gets a clear drink buzz without intoxication. Capiche?
Modern spectroscopy of metals shows, like astrophysics that they have
spectral emissions at various wavelengths. Those wavelengths are
also a proportional factor related to the EM spectrum in the sonic
region. Sonics are frequencies in the hearing and radionics (Abrams,
Rife, Beck, ....) harmonics frequency generators. These actual
frequency emissions are the different levels of the atomic structure
humming in motion. By normal salt water electrolytes, one can gain
the signatures of pure, plain metals. By understanding nanocluster
colloidals, the same spectral emissions can be understand and realize
their frequencies and harmonics. By understanding how to manipulate
these quantum frequencies and harmonics you energize the colloidals
into their maximum quantum energy state, without an arc-voltage like
Hudson's high-spin.
In the same manner (hint, hint) modern alchemists knowing the
emissions and frequencies of the metals in the low-end and the
high-end byproducts of a sodium burn can turn certain of the metals
into transmutations into precious metals and muff metals. Major
money! By using various chemical formulas precious gems, not
spinels, can be created. When the protocols are enabled, the world
could have so much silver, platinum, gold, ... from sodium, and
others, that we would pave the world, like Solomon's day.
So these frequencies of these metals in the nanotubules acting as
quantum conduit power sources, also emanate these high quantum
sounds, which will fracture bugs (like a Rife machine), or chase them
away as the aural distance and power of the physical and spiritual
light body are so powerful that you can not approach. Much like
someone entering into a electrical or nuclear power plant. You would
feel the energies interacting with and upon you. Eventually, you
would die from (irradiation) or suffer internal physical cellular
disruption from the energies and their harmonic frequencies blowing
apart your own cells.
The spectral emissions et al are classified.
Permission granted, with all due exceptions, that the information is
not manipulated, distorted, chopped and hacked into saying something
different than what is fully written here.
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: HRH: Quantum 101
Sorry, Barry, if you must hold this off until the rest of the other posts gets cleared up, then so be it.
Otherwise, the online and offline posts of the truthseekers need to be fed more quantum science and quantum spiritual information. After you read this, you will surely know this information is so special and needed for distribution.
I ask your understanding and forgiveness in getting this information to the truly seeking aspirants.
In the current White Man's academic hierarchy of knowledge, we have the physical sciences. These sciences started way back with Linnaeus who started a system of botany and biology with a classification of flora and fauna into a rational system of life forms and their associated inter-relationships.
Within the past 400 years, we have seen a hardening within the academic scientifc community, (not a good thing), which supports (at least two major formats of) academic understanding and rationalization of the immediate and "other" worldly events and life forms. The first is Newtonian, which I call from Isaac Newton, a high Rosicrucian and a member of the Royal Society, a government front organization of the Rosicrucians during the times of Queen Elizabeth, ... and Einsteinian, from German Jew (not a bad inference) Albert Einstein.
Newton was associated with his Principia, which established the first scientific and mathematical model of the world, and some of the then hidden forces working in the universe. Newton was not able to understand gravity in its totality, or how it be-came, operated (in totality), and where it came from. Newton's two greatest hindrances to his advancement of scientific experimentation, continued documentation of events proving a scientific definition of a cosmic force or activity, ... were gravity and mass attraction. What is ... and how does gravity work? Objects have attraction to each other due to mass (wrong!). And mass attractions is diminished by the inverse ration of distance and mass/volumes of the objects.
Einstein came into the scientific realm and blew away people with the nuclear and space-time equations, we can quote from memory as E=mc2. Einstein was unable to relegate, redefine, solve, or negate anything Newton stated, but also provided a higher form of energy definitions for scientific study and research. Einstein's weakness was related to his inability to solve his Unified Field Theory of the full spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum (as they call it).
During and post-WW II, German scientists were involved with a scientist known as Max Planck who found a higher system of science and existence. He called the energy systems he observed quanta, therefore quantum science.
After the war, various German scientists were captured willingly or otherwise into the US or Russian sectors. Our German scientists were the best trained and knowledgeable. Old souls versus young (ahem) farts.
They made many discoveries in Germany, and many more, at least with the American government/military organizations.
But, we need as quantum science and quantum spiritual aspirants to understand how this science became knowledgeable of ancient technologies and knowledge. Across the so-called modern landscape of Europe, there were many ancient secret societies still passing on their knowledge to aspirants and intellectuals who would work for the betterment of humanity.
The Rosicrucians, amongst many other splinter groups and societies, by various names, members, and volume of information to pass on, were part of the hidden history of WW II.
Hitler needed his political/military/scientific sector to provide him with any form of monetary wealth. It was known that sea water contained dissolved gold and maybe silver etc. Hitler dictated that the scientists (those who have normal physical scientific knowledge - Newtonian and some pre-Einsteinians) to gain these precious metals to gain currency and a powerful economy in which to expand their military activities. The result of their research was that the cost of gaining such precious metals, or any such metals from the sea, was cost prohibitive (more expense than currency gained). At that point, the physical scientists walked out of the research. At that point, the quantum scientists came into their fame.
They looked at what the physical scientists overlooked in their lack of knowledge, ignorance. They noticed that there were special elements in the sea water, that were not plain Jane, normal colloidal
Sea Salt elements when reconstitued into a metallic form. They noticed that some of the elements displayed various abilities. Some were magnetic, paramagnetic, and other had superconductivity, ... and some others had "very unusual" energy patterns.
We know from ancient knowledge ... and current scientific advancements ... that they had found the preliminary (for them) elements which we call m-states.
DIfferent groups of quantum scientists split off into so many groups experimenting and analysing the various elements in singular or
Amalgam compositions.
Some of these scientists, even sneaked out some of these elements (as they were high adepts) and start ingesting some, knowing that these quantum elements (having spiritual energies) displaying outward energies ... could also display inward energies within their own bodies.
Here is the start of what would be called modern quantum theosis. The process is not modern, only the technology for acquiring the various elements which display quantum qualities. The science is as old as, and far older than the current version of the Old Testament and Genesis of Adam and Eve.
The ancient spiritual faith community of the adepts .. and those of the modern quantum scientists were able to start re-understanding many of the ancient teachings concerning spiritual elements, quantum science, and quantum spirituality. The ancient word and true modern word are the same in science and religion: theosis. Becoming higher in spiritual energies so as to attain higher spiritual consciousnesses spoken of in old documents of the secret societies as cosmic consciousness, christ consciousness, and god consciousness.
Now, this subject ends here.
Now, go to a modern scientific periodic table of elements, outlined by Gregory Mendelev. This is the common element table. Mendelev, in association with mass information displayed the atomic structure of the elements into a grid framework of how the electrons and electron shell structure interacted with all the rest of the other elements known in the galaxy.
Different valencies (+1, +2, ... -1 , -2, ...) were displayed in columns whle the electron shells were displayed horizontally. By looking at the columns and horizontal entries, one could locate a periodic table element and know how many electrons in its shells. Corresponding vertical and horizontal "physical attributes" were noted amongst the (now) 116 elements. Noble gasses, active radical gasses, metallic elements, magnetic elements, paramagnetic elements, ..... But all this is the Newtonian and Einsteinian understanding of the world. It doesn't even understand or contemplate that there is a higher quantum, spritual, heavenly realm of existence, elements, ....
Now, (mentally) take this chart from off the wall or book you have found it in and place in onto a desk top. Notice how all the elements lay on the same horizontal plane. Now, according to EInstein, this is the same as the space-time continuum. A space-energy fabric that interpenetrates all matter. Just think of this fabric like a trampoline of atomic elements in this pool ball container gridwork.
Now for those
Sea Salt electrolytes, one must now think and know that the elements in this world we live in have different volumes of existence on our terran world, and across the galaxy. Think of this plane of elements like a horny toad or porcupine. Each of the different elements, according to their known existence in relationship to other elements have their own spike of quantification. Sodium, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements have a high spike. They are more prominent on this world. Those who have less volume have smaller spikes. Each of the elements have their own high, medium, low, or barely observant spike of designated element.
Now, any normal physical scientist would say DUH!, everybody knows that. And any oceanography scientist (something I would have been if God had never led me in other directions according to HIS will), will say, DUH!,
Sea Salt water contains the majority of saline chemical compounds in various amounts. We can show you a chart of all the known chemical compounds and what can be found in sea water.
Physical scientists could also talk about what the full spectrum analysis could be found in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, Arctic, Mediterranean, ... oceans ... alongside of the Dead Sea and Great Salt Lake, .....
Now what the physical scientists are not able to quantify (and it still remains highly elusive even to quantum scientists) is how much of each of these so-called elemental peaks in this Mendelev periodic table of elements is totally plain Jane metals (non-quantum spiritual element).
Actually, this is the modern problem for physical scientists and quantum scientists, how much of the so-called physical metals in this periodic chart are in reality some % of the quantum periodic table to elements.
Now, change of thought.
Now you have a desk top Mendelev chart of the physical scientists understanding of the world's metals, minerals, and gasses we live around.
Now for a true quantum scientist and a quantum spiritual aspirant, we know that there is a higher (spriitual, heavenly) realm of existence, and that therefore there must be a higher and spritiual form of elements "up there," "out there," or whereveer you consider you higher realm to exist.
So .... (mentally) picture a duplicate of the Mendelev chart floating above the desktop physical elements gridwork. Do you see two charts? If you do, you are so advanced beyond any current physical scientists, physicists, and quantum scientists will admit.
Now, you know that the different physical elements in the earthly chart supposedly have the accurate spikes validating their volume on this earth.
Now any quantum scientist and quantum spiritual aspirant knows that this desktop chart's peaks are not accurate or valid. Some proportion of those so-called physical elements are actually quantum metals interpenetrating the world, cosmos, and galaxy. So we have two charts of periodic tables of elements which spikes of existence in the physical and quantum realms.
The biggest issue to understand is that there is an interplay between both of these charts. Through solar and cosmic irradiation from the ancient past and current times, plain Jane metals can be transformed through nuclear, cosmic, or other energy sources transmuting them from dull metals into quantum metals.
In the same way, degenerating quantum metals (like nuclear half-life radioactive metals) can return to dull plain metals through many decades or millennia. So there is an interplay between the physical element and quantum element realm.
The same happens with the physical body of the human and its counterpart spiritual light body of the spiritual consciousness. Flux happens.
Therefore, when one consumes the highest, purest of quantum elements into one's physical body, one is able to energize the physical body into the quantum realm. Not just through one jock-rocket m-state metal (like many currently produced products), but through a complete and full spectrum quanta product.
Can one gain this spiritual transformative evolution through sucking in the vapors of the atmosphere, or looking at the sun and gaining a sun tan or melanoma? No.
Can one gain spiritual theosis by eating the highest vegan diet or purist of organic foods? No, but you will be "physically" healthy.
So ... if I can't breathe it, or experience a solar/cosmic irradiation scheme, or find it in currently produce white man's crappola food and
additives ... then where do I go to find this quantum nirvana. The Himalayas in a retreat, into the German highlands of the Black Forest, into an Asian Shinto/Zen monastery, ....
The issue is not where to go. The issue is to find the quantum elements, and how to gain their productive qualities.
Freshwater, processed through a magnetic water trap, or that drunk from special spa waters or such quality glacier milk colloidals, ... are only touching the tip of the iceberg. You must massively process more fresh water, than gaining any real active quantum elements. Don't, please don't even think you can acquire quantum metals from white man's water utilities which process the liquid product with death killing chlorine, ammonia, and the current chlor-amine product. If you want dead chemical elements into your body, drink tap water, or process it for any level of magnetic trap water. You can lick a copper penny, nickel, dime, quarter, even maybe a gold or silver coin for more active quantum metals. Try licking a cotton/linen dollar bills, people touching it might leave some sweat and oil salts on the money, as much as one can gain valid quantum elements in a trap. Sorry. Truth is truth.
The highest form of viable quantum elements remain in sea water, whether sea-based or inland-based. In fact, one must, in order to gain the true full spectrum of quantum elements, consume both inland- and sea-based saline quantum elements. Another source is still being researched and it is an inland-based product.
But, one must consume saline elements in their colloidal form for the greatest assimilation of the element and its energy signature. This is why Western Europe still processes sea salt drying beds ... and have better health than "smarter" American first-worlders with cancer, diabetes, gout, arthritis, colitis, parasites, bugs, heart disease, and other panorama of American smarty-pants medicinal primacy over the rest of the known world.
So when we get back to the floating quantum element table, we also see spikes in each of the elements regarding their % and predominance across the quantum table. When one looks at the two different physical and quantum tables, one notices that in different elements, one sees more quantum elements than physical elements in the other. Some of those items concern the Valency 8 elements, which also display quantum and superconductivity qualities.
SO for someone to only talk of 12 m-state Valency 8 elements as the be-all/end-all of quantum theosis ... they are wrong or malinformed or vastly ignorant or arrogant. There are documents stating that 22 of the so-called physical elements display superconductity. In actuality, this is also a wrong statement. The m-state elements display superconductivity. And there are not 22, there are the complete 116- elements. The only reason why physical scientists have not been able to differentiate the lower and higher elements is because they conflict (confuse and meld together as one entity) the two elemental realms into one existence.
So, when we realize that the entire quantum realm displays superconductivity, and other spiritual displays of power, anti-gravity, levitation, and higher translocation properties we would associate with warp speed, or beam me up Scotty phrases. The Master and his students were able to travel via physical geo-location, levitate and "fly" from one spot to another. The Master at his highest quantum level was able to space-time translocate at light speed. Pop out, pop in somewhere else at light speed.
So the only true way to attain quantum theosis is through the proper ingestion of the highest quantum elements located on the globe, in the sea.
Actually, these elements are also for the most part at their basic level of quantum energization. By using the same solar/cosmic/galactic quantum energization of these elements, one is able to take normal quantum level colloidals into their highest quanta state as quantum hypercolloidals.
The same for normal water, trap water, and quantum hyperwater.
As sea salt water is missing some of the most important so-called m-state metals, only found in inland-sea based elements, only a hybrid mix of inland- and sea-based elements must be amalgamated to achieve a complete full spectrum quantum element product.
When one gets past the physical scientist of everyday life of Mendelevian/Newtonian/Einsteinian metals, minerals, and vitamins, ... and understand that the higher quantum spiritual life of quantum metals and minerals must be consumed ... we have made the paradigm shift into thinking quantum.
Therefore, for the true Holy Grail aspirant, and those who want to partake in the true, ancient Eucharist bread and wine of the Master, one must have the actual and proper product to ingest to continue their spiritual ascendancy and theosis to cosmic consciousness, christ consciousness, and god consciousness.
So when I speak further of Newtonians, and Einsteinians and physical scientists, these academic and hieerarchical organization limit themselves and humanity from attaining our true spiritual ancestry, heritage, and future personal and manifest destiny of fulfillment.
We must become quantum scientists, and quantum spiritual aspirants. As such, we differentiate our understanding from physical scientific demonstration and documentation (like what is currently demanded by some ORMUS leaders or challengers to others conducting their research on separate and higher paths than currently ongoing.
With this, we end QUANTUM 101.
God Bless and great theosis.