Well then just do it.
when the sky is fairly clear but with some clouds is the perfect time to do cloudbusting
it is relaxing, and there is a unique opportunity to connect to the greater awareness, to a higher consciousness
From your eyes comes ORGON, or Orgonon , whatever. the Orgon goes into the cloud you are looking at, and it will DISSAPATE. If it happens for you, you really do get a feeling of connectedness... for me, it works about half the time, yes, the cloud I chose goes away while it's neighbor clouds are still up there.
Of course, clouds DO dissipate contionuously on their own and I might just be lucky that it goes when I look at it, but if you do this awhile you will see that it is more than co-incidence.
There is a whole industry built on devices for orgonon-ing, cloudbusting. One was featured in a music video in the 1970's with Donald Sutherland and Kate Bush music.
Her song, Cloudbusting, is about Reich's daughter and how Riech was taken by Government Men in big black cars.
There is a hint of cloudbusting in the lyrics, but with some disagreement as to what it is she is saying and what she wrote...
"Like the sun coming out--
Ooh, I just know that something good is going to happen.
And I don’t know when,
But just saying it could even make it happen"
I believe she actually wrote it "Just AIM and Believe and it will happen" , and sang it 'both ways' by fudging the line - have a listen.
There may be two versions recorded - I have The Whole Story, a best of album, with the fudgy lyrics, its not clear what she says but the given line of lyric doesn't come out as written.
Cloudbusting may have been released on another album before that?>anyone know? anyone have it?
Now this is consciousness expansion!!
I recommend reading more Reich too - books were banned and burned, he was jailed, he died there.
One terrific piece I saw of his [but lost] was about CHILDBIRTH.
He says women should relax, stay away from the hospital due to the stress in causes the mother just to be in a hospital - childbirth is NOT an accident or emergency situation, but the same anxiety follows in hospitals. That causes long labour...
His coaching words were so perfect, it is a thing of beauty. If only all pregnant women could just read it, traumatic childbirth - and all the implications of that - would be greatly reduced.
ps - why do "they" want traumatic childbirth"?
- Same reason as "they" have for making illness, making us weak, putting fears into us all, creating wars, creating pollution, creating insecurities, not giving children a good education, and taking away the possibilities for sustainable life and a healthy natural world.
It is the SAME REASON we are not being validated, not having control over our own lives*, not letting the issues that the majority of us feel are important become legistlation - like protecting earth's sustainable natural environment , and so on.
That reason IS: for you to discover thru personal hardship or trauma. When you have paid your dues and opened your eyes, then you will know the ugly truth - it does no good for anyone to tell you this answer.
It is the same reason they killed Wilhelm Reich. Google it for partial list of his life and his works - I cant find the childbirth papers, so if you do, please let me know
* health care choices, sexuality, addictions,