> Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
> Beloved masters, as surely as you live and breathe, you are helping to
> create either Heaven or hell on Earth, or many of you may possibly feel
> that you vacillate somewhere in-between the two. No matter what you
> believe or how you interpret the ancient teachings, Heaven is a state of
> mind/consciousness and not somewhere "out there" in the higher dimensions.
> It is not only a place you are eligible to go to when you transcend and
> leave your present physical vessel, it is also a state of consciousness
> that you can create and exist in no matter where you have been, where you
> are now, or where you are going in the future. It not a final destination,
> it is an intrinsic part of the journey and available to you at all times.
> You came from a "heavenly place" and you brought Love/Light with you,
> along with the ability to create a "heavenly environment" no matter what
> dimension, world or reality you have chosen to experience.
> Hell on Earth is what many of you have been experiencing over these many
> thousands of years since humanity's "Fall into unconsciousness." You have
> been living in an "unreal world" whereby you are steeped in fear,
> superstition, feelings of shame, guilt and of being unworthy of love or
> abundance. You have allowed others to tell you how to think and act, and
> you have allowed those you thought were wiser than you to take away your
> power and control your lives. A maelstrom of negative thought forms
> created by the masses has kept you imprisoned in a world of illusion.
> Your real world was designed to be crisp, clear, free-flowing and
> harmonious, whereby you would traverse the "middle path" with few
> obstacles in your way: a beautiful world of peace and plenty where you are
> free to cocreate in cooperation and harmony with your fellow brothers and
> sisters on the journey; a place where you would be attuned to all levels
> of consciousness, as well as connected with all facets of Creation; a
> place that was designed to be a Heaven on the material plane of existence.
> Remember, your missions was to experience the realm of physicality so that
> the Creator could also experience this wondrous facet of Its creation.
> The miracle of these times is that the masses are awakening in greater and
> greater numbers every day. You, the vanguard, have opened the way and set
> the stage for the monumental transformational process that is sweeping the
> world. Through your tireless efforts, you have anchored the higher
> frequencies of Light upon and within the Earth, thereby making them
> available to all those who are ready to open their hearts and step onto
> the path of heightened awareness and self-mastery. Each person has the
> ability to create their own unique Heaven on Earth.
> That is the miracle of these unparalleled times in which you are living.
> You are stretching your spiritual muscles and you are tapping into the
> vast resources which have been awaiting you for these many ages. You are
> beginning to reclaim the elements and characteristics of your "real
> world," a world that all of you helped to create in the beginning. Down
> through the multiple dimensions each of you brought with you, stored in
> your Diamond Core God Cell, all the attributes, virtues and qualities of
> the twelve Rays, a precious gift from our Father/Mother God. In the
> beginning, you used your abilities to create many magnificent and wondrous
> things until, over time, your abilities became diminished, distorted and
> imperfect because of your fall into the illusional negative environment of
> the lower dimensions. Thus, you began to create and live in an unreal
> world, a hellish place of your own making.
> The Supreme Creator knows only perfection and our Father/Mother God
> parents want only the very best for all Creation. They do not punish. They
> do not take sides. They do not know anger or fear. They are filled with
> and radiate only Love/Light which is comprised of compassion, joy and
> harmony, as well as all things good and righteous. It does not matter what
> religion you are. It does not matter if you are an atheist, an agnostic or
> whether you say you hate or deny God. You will never truly die; you only
> change form. You are immortal. Remember, you are a refracted Light/Spark
> of the Creator. You see through a lens made up of vibrational frequencies
> which are composed of thought forms, intention and actions resulting in a
> unique picture of reality you have created over many thousands of
> lifetimes. You are in the process of reclaiming your higher truth,
> refining your thoughts and clearing your vision, and as you do so the
> veils of illusion are slowly dissolving while you gradually build your new
> version of paradise/Heaven on Earth which will gradually blend and meld
> with the visions of your brothers and sisters in Spirit.
> Each phase of the Divine Plan is imprinted holographically within the
> Earth's auric field, and there is a trigger or code designed to ignite
> within each of you at a specific time, nudging and inspiring you to
> fulfill your Divine Mission which is an integral part of the Grand Plan.
> It has been carefully orchestrated so that if anyone of you abdicates,
> there is always another brave soul ready to take your place. The Divine
> Plan will not be denied. It will be brought to fruition. There are many
> contingency plans with wide parameters, but it is fail-safe and the
> forward march of the Ages will proceed as mandated by the Creator and our
> Father/Mother God.
> Throughout the centuries, there have been predictions and prophecies that
> there will be a New Age of evolution on Earth and within humanity, which
> has been termed as a passage from instinctual, physical/human beings to
> INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL/HUMAN BEINGS, or a return to your true nature as
> Divine Sparks of the Creator. One galactic cycle takes approximately
> 26,000 years to complete, and the Earth along with all sentient Beings are
> being affected as humanity emerges from the darkness into the new Light of
> a new cosmic day. It has been designated as a new Golden Age, and it is
> truly so, for a wondrous new Golden Galaxy will be formed, incorporating
> the vibrations/frequencies of your experiences/successes and the wisdom
> garnered throughout your many sojourns on the earthly plane, along with a
> new Divine Plan sent forth from the Heart/Mind of the Supreme Creator to
> our Father/Mother God of this universe. During the night or dark cycle of
> past Ages, you sank into density and your Life/Light Line to your Higher
> Self and our Father/Mother God was greatly diminished. You were left to
> your own devices in hopes that you would awaken to your Inner Source
> (resources) of spiritual power. The Divine Plan did not call for you to
> experience lack, limitation and fear; however, you had to suffer the
> consequences of your free will actions, the discordant energies you
> projected out into your world.
> We have spoken many times before about the laws of cause and effect or
> "for every action there is a reaction," which results in what is known as
> negative or positive Karma. For many ages, you, as the enlightened ones,
> have been working diligently to bring into balance your personal karma,
> ancestral karma and racial karmic influences. That was a major part of the
> game of duality and polarity, returning to balance and harmony in all
> facets of your Beingness. You have struggled with the cross of matter for
> many ages, and it is wondrous to watch as you slowly returned to
> harmonious frequencies the discordant energies that have kept you
> off-balance for so long. As you heal and transmute the thought forms that
> have kept you captive in your hellish environment of the past, you are
> once more becoming a pillar of Light and the cross you bear is a Cross of
> Light that radiates forth from your Solar Power center from the front and
> back of your heart chakra. Thus, you are creating a column of Light from
> which you are beginning to experience the "fruits of your labor," as you
> reclaim your heavenly heritage as an Emissary of Light.
> Many of you are wondering what will happen now as the winds of war,
> conflict and destruction swirl like a dark and heavy cloud around the
> Earth, touching and affecting everything and everyone. It depends on what
> you are feeling and thinking, dear ones, what is on your mind and in your
> heart as to whether you will stand firmly in the Light or add to the
> negative karmic thought forms that are being created each and every
> moment. Again, we ask you are you contributing to the liberating
> vibrations of Heaven, or the discordant frequencies of hell? We are asking
> you to no longer sit passively by the wayside and do nothing. You are
> being asked to stand up and be counted, for your dynamic Life Force energy
> is needed now as never before. You are much more powerful than you can
> imagine, my brave friends, and you are playing an important role in
> attaining a peaceful solution to a very unsettling world situation. The
> energy you are radiating forth from your heart center has just as much an
> influence on the outcome of the devastating conflicts around the world as
> those who are on the "front lines." You, too, are on the front lines, so
> to speak, for you have the ability to tap into the pure, unmanifested
> primal Life Force substance and mold it into powerful thought forms and
> actions that can overcome any adversity. The brave souls who have been
> called to the battlefield, no matter which side they are fighting for, if
> they are doing so with a desire for true justice for all, and with
> compassion of Spirit for their fellow human beings, instead of hate, a
> desire for revenge and to enslave or control others, then they are
> functioning as righteous warriors and the forces of Heaven are with them.
> Many around the world are asking "Why can we not have leaders with
> integrity who are Spirit-inspired instead of those who are self-serving,
> seeking power and who do not have the best interests of the masses as
> their predominant goal?" It is also a sign of the times, beloveds. The
> great changes that are slowly taking place must begin in the hearts of the
> people, and as your beliefs change and gain power and force, you will
> build a new thought form and you will insist that your leaders be
> accountable, have integrity and are true valiant heroes and champions of
> the people. Your leaders reflect the mind set of the masses, and an
> important part of your life's mission is to radiate unconditional love to
> ALL humanity and to the Earth. Remember, we have told you that when you do
> so, your loving energy is added to the collective whole and it is used for
> the highest and greatest good of ALL. When you do so, you are in alignment
> with the Creator's Divine Plan and you stand with my Legions of Light as
> warriors of peace.
> When we say you should seek that which is your passion and that which
> brings you the greatest satisfaction and joy, many of you do not have the
> slightest idea what that is. We ask you to begin by eliminating those
> things that are stressful in your life, that which brings you pain and
> which you dread. You did not become the way you are in a day, a week, or a
> year, but you can transform back into your empowered masterful self much
> more quickly than you can imagine. We have offered you many tools,
> techniques and information over these past years, but you must make a
> commitment and prove for yourself that what we offer you are the "magical
> tools" you have been seeking. We have said many times, you must turn
> knowledge into wisdom or you must come to the realization that something
> is true and achievable. Realization is when something becomes crystal
> clear in your mind and you "know" that it is your truth, and then you must
> put that truth into action. Knowledge/wisdom overlaid with love/compassion
> and focused intent/action creates the power that holds the keys to the
> universal storehouse of unmanifested potential, potential that is just
> waiting for you to mold it and create anything you can envision. That is
> what is waiting for you in your new heavenly world of tomorrow.
> It is a time of integration and moving back into balance in all things,
> and of paramount importance is the reunification/balancing of the
> Father/Mother God Forces on Earth and within each of you. This
> reunification process will speed up your return to balance and harmony
> within yourselves. You will, once again, embody both the masculine and
> feminine attributes, qualities and virtues of the Supreme Creator. No
> longer fractured, and warring within yourselves, but empowered through the
> combined forces of your Divine Self.
> The celestial winds of change are sweeping your galaxy and have, at last,
> reached the Earth. No longer can you ignore the fact that your world is
> changing moment by moment. You feel that time is speeding up, but it is
> really your Earth that is racing through space at a faster pace. You are
> moving into a reality where time is fluid and space is malleable. Great
> Beings of Light have come from the far reaches of the Omniverse to observe
> and assist you in these epochal times of momentous change. We can inspire,
> direct and assist you, but you and you alone must take the action that
> will result in Heaven on Earth. Watch for the signs in the sky and the
> beautiful clouds and sunsets that the angels paint for you. Be sensitive
> to the nudgings and whispers we send your way, and be aware of all the
> miracles, large and small that we arrange for you. We are not "out there."
> We are only a thought and a heartbeat away. I surround and enfold you in
> my auric field of love and protection. You are loved beyond measure. I AM
> Archangel Michael.