"But in the last rounds of the incarnative cycle, the main commitment is not in working the material plane. The commitment is to yourself, to be aware and alive to yourself every day, and to bring into form, your inner truth. "
"If you wish to be a receiver and holder of this energy, please understand your end of the commitment. It is simply this: to watch yourself constantly, with detached observation - to see what illumines you, and to see what deadens you. "
"You are used to listening to the buzz of the world, but now is the time to develop the inner ear that listens to the inner world. It is time to have a foot in each world, and it can be done. "
"You have been asking for a maximum explosion in your consciousness, and you have every right to believe it can happen when you look at the world as symbolic. "
"Either you let your mind dwell in fear over surviving all the horrors that are possible, or keep remembering excitement is what you are feeling inside. Whatever the fear in the mind, the soul is capable of feeling, not trepidation, but excitement!"
"Your individual life, which impinges on those around you, either expands and gives the gifts of peace, humor, love, compassion and courage; or it does the opposite."
"In the midst of whatever is going on each moment of your life, you need to allow all of your Wholeness to reveal itself to you, silently and intensely."
"Some of you have been seeking the state of Enlightenment for lifetimes, and the depressing thing is, if you continue to have the idea that God is something other than Now, or what you are doing this moment, you will be at it many more lifetimes."
"For in understanding your reasons for wanting to be in physical form, your physical experience will be tremendously enhanced."
"Each of you has specifically and excitedly chosen this particular time to be involved in what is taking place upon this planet, for you understood, prior to coming to physical form, that this would, indeed, be a time when more beings would receive upliftment than any other time upon Planet Earth."
"Continuous attention to a problem attracts it into your experience. To remove it from your experience you must remove your attention from it."
"Do not worry. Your experience, your hard work, your growth, is not being wasted, for your Inner Beings accumulates every particle of every experience that you have ever lived, or that you are now living."
"The triad of intentions that are very well established within you are: Freedom, growth and joy."
"You can move much more swiftly and effectively toward the joyous success you seek in life by giving your attention and emphasis to the way you want to feel, or to your state of being, rather than to the action." (eeek! This was my revelation when I was 26 and worrying about what I was going to 'Do' with my life!)
"By giving 99% of your attention to bringing yourself to the feeling that you seek and giving 1% of your attention to inspired action -- you will be in a place of powerful motion forward while you exist in a continuous state of joyful well-being."
"Even the most dreaded disease will vanish when you completely remove your attention from it."
"It is not understood that before life an individual decides to live. A self is not simply the accidental personification of the body’s biological mechanism. Each person born desires to be born."
"The natural healing that often occurs in the dream state is undone in the waking state, in which any such cure is seen as miraculous and against the rules."
"That kind of dream awareness can literally regenerate your life, though the original impact will be forgotten, and the entire event will usually be translated into images before awakening. Such dream events may be called experiences of basic being. During them, the self or consciousness literally travels to the source of its own energy."
"I do not know how to explain some of this, but in your terms there is light within darkness. Light has more manifestations than its physical version, so that even when it may not be physically manifested there is light everywhere, and that light is the source of your physical version and its physical laws."
The site that I copied these from is a great one! Tons of quotes from many different quotes...and there are even two different random quote generators....supa cool!
love T
Random Quote Generator - Nirvikalpa Site