Hi Andreas! I'm trying to do my own research but it seems like the more I read the more confused I become. I'm having some skin issues that I feel are related to digestion.
As a vata I know I need to eat a lot of fat but now I'm confused about whether I'm eating too much or not enough. I've read that fat slows down the whole digestive process because it's hard to digest. I've been trying to eat as much good fat (extra virgin olive oil, coconut and palm oil, raw grassfed butter) as I can but I do feel like my digestion isn't as strong as it should be and I don't know why.
In rereading Timeless Secrets I read to add "copious amounts" of fats to starchy foods to help digest them. I'm curious how much that would be. For example in a cupful of oatmeal should I add a teaspoon, a tablespoon or a quarter cup?
What about other foods like fruits; should I add fats to them? I usually have a bowl of fresh fruit early in the morning, sometimes I'll add raw cream or coconut oil to it. Is that helpful because it helps the absorbtion of fat soluble vitamins or harmful because it slows down or impairs digestion?
Also, do you think it makes a difference in which order you eat your meal? I've read that you should eat the carbs first because they digest faster and get out of the way of the slower digesting protein. Then I read you should eat the protein first because agni is strongest at the beginning of the meal. I don't mind being a serial eater but which should I eat first, the egg, the toast, or the spinach?
It seems awfully ironic that I'm virtuously eating boatloads of expensive organic vegetables and then not absorbing them. Heck, I could be eating Krispy Kremes! I've cut portions down like you suggested, which has helped a lot. Do you think taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or a squeeze of lemon with meals would help?
Finally I wanted to say thank you again for "Timeless Secrets." I finally bought a spare copy to loan out in case I don't get it back :) Thank you very much for all the improvements you've made to my life. I'm a heathier and happier person because of you!
Thank you very much!!