Andreas Moritz
I am not a great friend of zapping. If you kill lets say 10 million parasites in the body, you will have to deal with 10 million parasite corpses. The question is which is better, parasites that are dead or alive? Since parsites occur only in areas of congesiton and toxicity, killing the parasites adds waste matter to the existing congestion. When new parasites grow in that congested environment, you will need to zap them again. There comes a point when the congestion reaches a point where the body must create a toxicity crisis in order to deal with it. I prefer methods of cleansing to methods of zapping or killing. At least, cleansing should precede zapping, if that is desired. Germs are not the cause of illness, they are the effect of illness. Illness is just another name for congestion of pathways and the resulting dehydration and weakening of cells in the body. Zapping is therefore symptom-oriented, not cause-oriented. I recognize the necessity for destructive germs inside body. They appear whenever weak, damaged or dehydrated cells require to be infected in order to protect the rest of the body from the same fate. We have lost trust in the wisdom of the body (and ourselves), which in my opinion is the main reason behind illness. As Ayurveda so aptly states, the root cause of all disease is Pragya Bharat - the mistaken intellect. I am not against zappers or similar devices, I just prefer not to use them. Bioresonance tools that restore the original frequencies of cells, tissues and organs and thereby enhance bodily functions, on the other hand, have superior healing effects. THis doesn't necessarily need to occur through a QXCI machine. Telling someone that you love them, appreciate them, honor, respect, or forgive them, has often a more powerful resonance or healing response than any machine can generate. We tend to forget or ignore, that the human body/mind/spirit system is the greatest healing instrument ever invented. Anyone can use it at any time. One moment of a loving touch can remove years of tension in another. This is bioresonance at its best.